
Mrs Mo’s Monster is about a monster eating all kinds of stuff. Mrs Mo asks the monster if he wants to try a new thing and the monster says NO, No, NO! At the end of the story, it’s Mr Mo’s birthday and Mrs Mo and the monster pull party crackers to celebrate. The monster finds out that he can do all kinds of things.

I’m liking

I think that the monster learns to be polite and that he learns from Mrs Mo not to munch everything.

I liked that the pictures showed what the monster was eating. They were funny pictures and were very bright and colourful.

My favourite bit is when Mrs Mo and the monster decorate a cake.

The conclusion

This is one of my favourite books. It’s a good book about being polite to people and trying new things.


Rochelle is mum to three gorgeous daughters. She wishes she had more time to garden and read the newspaper in peace!

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