
I think most parents worry a bit about having their children’s photos online, especially in something like Facebook. I know I’m pretty careful with my setting in this regard. Facebook as just announced a new function called Scrapbook. It’s an optional way to organise photos of children, using a special tag parents create. After choosing this tag, the photo will be added to a customisable scrapbook. And, photos you choose to tag can be shared with your friends and your partner’s friends.

It’s important that parents are in control of these photos, so:

  • You can opt to co-own the scrapbook with a partner who you’re in a relationship with on Facebook.
  • You choose what you call the tag—it could be your child’s name, initials or something fun.
  • You and your partner choose which photos to tag.
  • Only you and your partner can tag your child in photos.
  • There are lots of reminders and tips to guide you along the way.

Sounds like a great way to manage images of your children on Facebook! You can find out more in the Facebook newsroom.

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Rochelle is mum to three gorgeous daughters. She wishes she had more time to garden and read the newspaper in peace!

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