
When you’re planning a family Christmas holiday there’s lots to think about, including where to stay, what to do, and how much to spend. Here is some useful information and tips to help you to plan your family holiday.

BudgetAccommodationActivitiesFood : Other Tips


  • Work out the total amount you want to spend on your holiday. Break it down into the main costs, including accommodation each night, food each day, transport costs, and activity costs. Set a daily budget for your holiday and stick to it.
  • A good way to calculate your budget is to use an Excel spreadsheet, or, check out the travel budget calculator at http://www.practicalmoneyskills.com/calculators/calculate/travelBudgeting.php?calcCategory=work.
  • Look into different options for accommodation, as this is likely to be your largest cost. Can you stay with friends or family, or share accommodation? Camping, hostels, and backpackers are a good choice to save money on accommodation.
  • Check out budgeting tips at www.sorted.org.nz.
  • Check out our Kiwi Families article on planning the cost of your Christmas


If you’re not staying with friends and family on your holiday there are many accommodation choices to choose from, to suit your budget. Try to book early so you get accommodation for the dates you want.


Do an internet search on the area you are visiting and review the key activities available. Many activities are free or low cost and you can plan ahead. Local councils also have event information on their websites.


  • Pack your food and drinks for the day when you travel to avoid spending extra money on food. Take lunch boxes and on your travel stops take your food to the local park, where everyone can have a stretch and a run around.
  • Eat in more often to save money and plan easy meals for your holiday. BBQs, salads, tortilla wraps with fillings, and pizza bases with homemade toppings are all easy holiday meals.
  • Do a grocery shop at the local supermarket when you arrive and stock up on the food you need for your holiday. Split the cost between the people or families you are staying on holiday with.
  • Save money by eating your own breakfast/cereals instead of going out for breakfast.
  • Pack your lunches, drinks, and snacks for outings.

Other Tips

  • Consider signing up for daily deals such as GrabOne in the region you are going to. You may be able to get cheap accommodation, meals or entertainment.
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Rosalie Chamberlain is a freelance writer at Rapco, specialising in business, compliance, and family. She helps businesses create clear, easy to read website content, and improve their communications. She is passionate about families and enjoys providing useful information for Kiwi parents. Read more articles that Rosalie has written for Kiwi Families.

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