The au pair experience offers a fantastic opportunity for young adults to immerse themselves in a new culture while providing childcare support to a host family. In exchange,…
As parents we have dreams for our children. We hope they will live happy lives with a sense of purpose. But how do we make sure children learn…
We’ve pulled together our selection of the best free Maths Games online for kids, updated for 2024. These are educational websites full of games to keep your kids entertained while…
Hi everyone, Cecilia Robinson here with a few more tips on easing the transition back to school. I hope you have all had a fantastic summer break. Funny…
Over the next few weeks there will be a myriad of emotions at the school gate. Tears glistening in the eyes struggling to be held back, excitement with…
Find our quick reference table of free Online Games – Science & Literacy – fun for kids. Let your toddler, preschool or primary school boys and girls learn science, literacy,…
The overall aim of the Ministry of Education’s school transport policy is to “…provide assistance to students who, because of the geographic location of their home or their…
Here are the key terms that you need to understand special education.
An RTLB is a Resource Teacher: Learning Behaviour. Around schools and among students they are commonly called RTLBs. An RTLB works within schools giving support and providing assistance…
For any parent the ‘starting primary school’ phase can be an emotional and worry-filled period. There’s changes of routine, environment, teachers to deal with, new expectations of your…
An IEP is an Individual Education Programme. The terms is often used, but not always understood by those who use it.
GSE (Group Special Education) is the abbreviated term used for the Ministry of Education, Special Education.
Choosing a school for our precious children to attend can be an unnerving experience no matter what. Add to that angst a child with special educational needs and…
Early Intervention is support designed for young children from birth, or from the time they are identified as having special educational needs through to their attending school.
The Ministry of Education (MOE) believes every child and young person can be educated and every student in New Zealand has the right to take part in education…
School visits are one of the many chances you have to help ready your little one for the next step on the NZ education ladder.
Dr Maria Montessori founded the first Montessori community in 1907 in the slums of Rome, Italy and an educational philosophy grew from her work with these fifty poor,…
The Rudolf Steiner/Waldorf movement recognises that schools should be truly comprehensive: open to all girls and boys, with a curriculum for all pupils which is as broad as…
Playcentre is early childhood education that promotes and encourages parents to be the first educators. Read our Playcentre article for more info.
Find out what a nanny is and what they do, how much a nanny costs, where to find a nanny in New Zealand, and how to hire a…
Dr Maria Montessori founded the first Montessori community in 1907 in the slums of Rome, Italy and an educational philosophy grew from her work with these fifty poor,…
At Kohanga Reo all education and instruction is delivered in te reo maori (Maori language). Learn more about Kohanga Reo and how it works in our article.
So you are about to launch into the Kindergarten phase of your life. Our Kindergarten article explains how Kindy works in New Zealand and what to expect.
Home based care is care and education provided by adults in either their own home or the child’s. Find out more about home based care in our article.
Understanding what a Day Care centre is and what exactly they do is important. Our Day Care article will give you this information and answer a lot of…
Te Kura (formally The Correspondence School) offers distance learning programmes for almost 27,000 students per year across New Zealand and overseas.
Researching and choosing an ECE service can be a nerve-racking process. We’ve got information in our Choosing a Service article that may help you along the way.
Early Childhood Education (ECE) is the education and care provided to kids before they go to School. Learn more about education options in Early Childhood.
The Childcare Subsidy helps low and middle-income families to access childcare services. Find out more about the Childcare Subsidy and eligibility here.
From 1 July 2010 all three, four and five-year old children are able to go to early childhood education (ECE) services for six hours a day, 20 hours…
Home schooling is basically just that, educating children in their home rather than in a school environment. Home schooling in New Zealand is also referred to as Home Education.
Te Kura (formerly The Correspondence School) provides distance learning for students of all levels in New Zealand. Learn more about Te Kura and how it works.
What is the B4 School Check? What does School Ready mean? How do I know if my child is Ready? Check the essentials to prepare your child for…
We’ve made an ECE first day checklist of things you may need when your child starts Early Childhood Education. Save missing something and print off our ECE First…
If you’re looking for a childcare centre in your area, check this page for links to childcare centres all over New Zealand.