
This Kiwi Families article on iridology provides parents with a guide on iridology and how it can be used to benefit families. 

What is iridology?

Iridology is an alternative health therapy that involves the study of the iris in the eye. The iris provides the trained Iridologist with a complex map, which enables them to analyse the various organs and tissues throughout the body.

There are thousands of nerve endings that feed into the iris. A trained Iridologist is taught to recognise various colours and markings found in the iris. These indicators give the practitioner the ability to build up a picture of the client’s current strengths and weaknesses in the body. Iridology is said to recognise inflammation, toxins, chemical deficiencies and generic weaknesses in the body.

Iridology is not an eye test, or a treatment, but rather a way of identifying underlying disease.

Iridologists can either use a specialised camera that takes pictures of the iris or, alternatively, study the Iris with an opthalmoscope (which is a quick, painless look at your iris through a hand-held, specialized medical scope).

A qualified Iridologist can help you find out what is happening inside your body, often before any physical symptoms show.

How can iridology help my child?

Iridologists believe they can discover underlying weaknesses in certain organs in the body. If these weaknesses can be identified before they become stronger and develop into potential illnesses or diseases, then various dietary or lifestyle changes can be suggested, which can influence the overall health of the child.

Iridology is often used as a diagnostic tool alongside other types of natural health care. It can offer an alternative and more natural way to keep your child healthy, without resorting to drugs or medicines, which may have potential negative side effects.

How can iridology help me?

Iridology may show chemical or nutritional imbalances in your body, as well as injury or irritation of the tissues. It therefore enables you to become aaware of potential health problems, that may be overcome through nutrition and changes to lifestyle.

As pregnancy is a perfectly normal female condition it does not show in iridology.

What should I expect during our first visit with an iridologist?

An initial consultation will usually involve a discussion or questionnaire about you or your child’s health and lifestyle. As mentioned above, the iris will then either be examined via an ophthalmoscope or, alternatively, a specialized camera may be used to photograph the iris.

This will mean your child will be seated in a chair while the practitioner sits close to them, often leaning in towards their upper body- particularly if they are using an ophthalmoscope. With younger children, it will be fine to seat them on your knee. Most practitioners should be able to make children feel at ease while they examine the iris, as it is not an uncomfortable or painful process.

The practitioner will then discuss their findings with you and offer a guide to what supplements, exercise and dietary changes could benefit you or your child.

The blink response is strong in young children and they have less control over it than adults. If you have a child who is inclined to squint or squirm and may have difficulty keeping their eyes open while an iridologist tries to examine their iris, then it is advisable to discuss this with the practitioner prior to making an appointment.

How do I find a trained iridologist?

It is difficult to find a comprehensive list of trained iridologists throughout New Zealand. However, as many Iridologists are also trained in other alternative medicine disciplines, it is recommended you contact the nearest registered Naturopath and enquire about trained Iridologists in your area or, alternatively, find a list of Naturopath / Iridology practitioners throughout New Zealand from:


How much does iridology cost?

This can depend on whether an Iridology diagnosis is all of, or part of, the treatment. Check the cost of a consultation with your chosen practitioner first, before you make an appointment. The following is a guide only.

  • One hour costs from $60 (initial treatment will usually take up to one hour, although with most children this will take between 30 – 40 minutes)
  • 30 minutes costs from $40

Helpful Iridology Websites


This site offers pictures on how iridology works and also describes the meaning of various markings commonly found in irises


This web link has some great photos of irises, with explanations of symptoms.

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I am a qualified Irodologist/Sclerologist. Would you like me to teach my craft?
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