
The end of the final year at school can be a stressful time. Your teen will be focusing on exams and assessments. They’ll also be thinking about what they want to do when they leave school. Will they go straight into work, go to university, do a trade, or maybe take a gap year?

Careers New Zealand is here to support you.

We understand that as a parent you want to support and guide your teen through this stage of their life as best you can. Careers New Zealand has put together a dedicated resource hub where you can find all sorts of tips, tools and advice to use and share with your teen during this exciting and formative time in their life.

Visit the Careers New Zealand resource hub for advice on where to next for your teen.

Also, check out our tools to help your teen build their career.

Tools and tips to help your teen decide where to next after school

where-to-next-help-with-planning-your-teens-career-21. Choosing a career path – align your teen’s interests, strengths and job opportunities.
As parents, of course we want what’s best for our kids. It’s easy to advise them to get into a profession or trade because that’s where the jobs were 20 years ago, however the fast pace of technology and a demand for new skills have created so many new job opportunities. Find out how to give your kids timely and relevant advice.

2. Help with exploring the options after school – university, a trade, a gap year or work?

Supporting your teen through their decision making process is the best thing you can do for them. We give you tips to help your teen understand themselves and the options available to them.

3. How to make it happen – planning for success

We will guide you through the goal setting process so you can help your teen stay focussed and achieve anything they put their mind to. We also offer advice on things to consider before starting tertiary study, getting into a trade or getting a job.

Get in touch

We’re here to help. If you’re not sure about how to help your teen figure out what they want to do when they leave school, contact one of our experienced career advisers.

Phone us free, even from a mobile, or chat online for expert advice.

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