
We have 3 Grin Natural’s New Baby Finger brush gift packs to give away!

Thoughtfully designed for baby’s first teeth, Grin Natural’s NEW Baby Finger Brush offers a soft brush side to gently clean teeth, with a dimple side on the back to massage sensitive gums.

Made from food grade silicone and safe to sterilise. Encased in 100% biodegradable packaging. Use with Grin Kids Natural Toothpaste.

Suitable for up to 18 months of age, at which time children may be introduced to the Grin Kids Biodegradable Toothbrush.

We have three Grin Baby Finger Brush Sets to giveaway, each containing their new Baby Finger Brush duo set and two Grin Natural Kids Toothpastes.

1 x Baby Finger Brush Set
2 x Grin Kids Natural Toothpaste

To enter fill the form below and name one item in the pack you could win.

This competition ends on 31 October at 11:59pm.


This information was compiled by the Kiwi Families team.