
Want to spend more time with your family, less time on chores? Enter to win 1 of 3 $50 Joblist vouchers to help you get the job done.

About Joblist

Joblist is a friendly online marketplace that enables busy families to outsource tasks to get stuff done. The platform enables users to list jobs that they may not have the time or skills to complete themselves for the price they wish to pay. Eager workers apply for the job and the job lister picks a preferred worker based on previous ratings. Launched in May 2018, Joblist is quickly gaining popularity with Kiwi parents.

More than 1000 jobs have been successfully completed and there are more than 9400 active users who are keen to help.

Find someone who does the jobs you don’t on Joblist.co.nz.

To enter this competition simply fill in the form below and tell us what job you would list if you won this awesome prize!

This competition closes on 30 April 2019 at 11:59pm.


This information was compiled by the Kiwi Families team.