
I’ve been thinking about making yoghurt bark for a while now. And I thought, what better time than Easter to give it a whirl. We try not to overdo the chocolate on Easter, but at the same time I do like to spoil my children with a little choco surprise. This is where the idea of Easter yoghurt bark came about.

Of course, if I knew how ridiculously easy this was to make, I seriously would have made it years ago! I can tell you this is going to be the first of many yoghurt bark treats I make for the family.

As I’m writing this the kids are busily taste-testing it for me. My 4 year old daughter is giving me a big thumbs up, and can’t wait to make it again! In fact, she’s already come up with a couple of her own recipe ideas.

And that’s the beauty of yoghurt bark. It’s really delicious. It’s pretty healthy (at least as far as desserts go). And it’s such an easy recipe to make with your kids in the kitchen.

Easter Yoghurt Bark-Yoghurt

Even if your kids don’t traditionally like yoghurt, they’ll probably still love yoghurt bark, because it’s closer to a treat than a snack food (in their minds at least!). And you can add and subtract the extra goodies to suit your child’s tastes, and your own ‘allowable’ sugar quantity.

Yoghurt bark also contains all of those awesome little probiotics, even after freezing. Those little guys are so hardy, they’ll come back to life after your kids eat it, and get to work increasing their good gut bacteria. I love that! (Check out this article if you want to find out more about good gut bacteria).

One of the best things I like about yoghurt bark is the addition of honey.

Easter Yoghurt Bark-Honey

We’re big fans of using honey in a medicinal sense at home. We give our kids a teaspoonsful of honey in the winter to combat sore throats, and other lurgies.

We were fortunate enough this year to be given a huge jar of New Zealand beach honeydew honey. It’s wonderful stuff. It’s darker and less sweet than regular honey, and has a distinct earthiness flavour. Because it’s much lower in glucose and fructose, it’s a runny honey (it doesn’t crystallise), so it’s perfect for making yoghurt bark.

Source: airborne.co.nz

If you can’t source honeydew honey where you live, you can use any sort of runny honey for this recipe. Just note, the less crystallised most honey is, the more it’s been processed.

And, just like the probiotics, freezing honey does very little to effect the antimicrobial and antibacterial properties that make it such a superfood.

In this recipe, I added raspberries for colour and flavour. As well as the wonderful antioxidant properties of the berry.

To make the raspberry sauce, I simply used frozen raspberries from the freezer. I heated this in a small pot, mashing them with a fork as they thawed out, until it was a pourable consistency.

Easter Yoghurt Bark-Rasperry sauce

I didn’t add any sweetener to the mashed raspberries, as we love the tartness of berries. But you could add a teaspoon or 2 of honey, or maple syrup. Or even use a raspberry compote, or raspberry jam. Just heat them first, to make them more pourable.

To make the raspberry swirls, I just dotted the sauce randomly into the smoothed out yoghurt.

Then I used a wooden skewer to break up, and gently swirl the raspberry blobs through the yoghurt. Swirl them randomly. And then run your skewer through the yoghurt lengthwise 3 or 4 times, in a long S shape. This makes the really pretty lines through it.

Yoghurt Bark-Raspberry swirls

To be totally honest, you could probably just finish your yoghurt bark here. It would be sweet, and delicious, and look really pretty. But, we’re making this for kids right!

And we’re making this as an Easter desert, which is where the chocolate Easter eggs come in. I found these cute little mini-Easter eggs at the supermarket. They’re speckled eggs, so they work perfectly with the swirls and sprinkles. And they give this yoghurt bark a sweet and chocolatey surprise every few bites. Yummy!

Yoghurt Bark-Easter Eggs

And what child-friendly yoghurt bark would be complete without sprinkles! I just used the round, coloured sprinkles. But anything goes at this point!

Yoghurt Bark-Sprinkles

And that’s it! Whack it in the freezer for 3-4 hours. Pull it out, cut into random triangle shapes, and enjoy!

Store your yoghurt bark in ziplock freezer bags, and it will keep in the freezer for 2-3 months. But, honestly, it’s not going to last that long!

It comes out of the freezer quite solid, so you can just pick it up and eat it with your hands. But my kids love to chop it up with their spoons, and mash it up in their plates to eat.

Yoghurt bark. Fun, healthy and delicious. A big yummy thumbs up!

For more great dessert recipe ideas, check out our Desserts section.

Easter Yoghurt Bark

Yoghurt bark has to be one of the simplest, healthiest dessert options for kids I can think of. Aside from the freezing time, this literally takes 10 minutes. And your kids will love this Easter version!

Prep Time 10 minutes
Servings 8


  • 2 Cups Greek yoghurt
  • 2 Tbsp runny honey
  • 1/2 Cup frozen raspberries thawed
  • Sprinkles
  • Mini Easter eggs


  1. Line a baking tray with baking paper.

  2. Heat the raspberries over a medium heat, and mash with a fork, until you have a pourable consistency. Allow to cool.

  3. Pour the runny honey into the Greek yoghurt, and stir well until combined.

  4. Pour the yoghurt mixture out onto the baking paper. Use a spatula to smooth out to about 1cm thickness.

  5. Drop blobs of the raspberry sauce into the smoothed out yoghurt. Using a wooden skewer, swirl the raspberry sauce through the yoghurt. Finish by dragging the skewer through the yoghurt lengthwise with 3-4 long 'S' shapes.

  6. Place the Easter eggs randomly in the yoghurt, and pour over sprinkles.

  7. Freeze the yoghurt bark for at least 3 hours. Take it from the freezer, and cut it into 8-12 random triangular shapes. 

Recipe Notes

Eat immediately. Or store the yoghurt bark in a sealed, ziplock, freezer bag for up to 3 months.

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