
This is my all time favourite homemade muesli recipe. My Mum showed it to me a few years back and now I use it all the time. There are so many benefits of making your own Muesli. For starters you know what you’re getting and how much sugar and salt is going into it. There are no preservatives, and once you have the basics down, you can change it up to suit your taste buds or your mood.

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I also find making muesli with my little one to be an easy, no-fuss kitchen experience. She loves mixing and we don’t have to get caught up on perfectly measured ingredients.

Homemade Muesli


3 cups of oats
1/2 cup of sunflower seeds
1/2 cup of pumpkin seeds
1 cup of walnuts (you can use any nuts you like. I find almonds and pecan to be a great mix too)
1/2 chia seeds (optional)
1 cup of dried cranberries (dates are also delicious or a mix of both)
1tsp cinnamon
1/4 tsp vanilla powder
1 Tbsp of maple or honey (or just to taste)


Turn your oven onto 70 degrees Celsius.

Mix all of the ingredients into a large bowl.

Spread the mixture thinly onto a large baking tray and place into the oven.

Bake slowly for 15 – 20 minuets. Keep a close eye on it and stir it around regularly.

Once cooled place in a sealed container.

To serve

Enjoy with your your favourite seasonal fruit, yogurt and cream.

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