
Chocolate milkshakes for breakfast anyone? Yes, you heard me correctly and yes it can be done in an easy, healthy way.

This is a chocolate milkshake that is jam packed with nutrients, protein, good fats and vitamins. It’s so tasty and sneakily good that your children won’t believe you’re letting them have it for breakfast. And most importantly, it will keep them going until lunch.

(TIP! For a summer treat, freeze in ice block molds to make a divine, guilt free ice block)

Chocolate milkshakes for breakfast

  • 1 overripe banana (if not overripe, add 2 pitted medjool dates)
  • 1 handful blueberries (fresh or frozen)
  • 1 MASSIVE handful baby kale and/or baby spinach
  • 1 tablespoon almond butter (make sure it has no added sugar)
  • 1 tablespoon raw unhulled tahini
  • 1-2 tablespoons raw cacao powder (more makes it richer)
  • 1-2 glass(es) coconut water or almond milk (make sure you check for any added sugar)

Blend until well combined. Adjust liquid according to desired thickness.

chocolate milkshakes

(An example of a blender that works great is a NutriBullet or NutriNinja).

(TIP: if you have a bunch of bananas that are overripe and the skin is going black, peel them, place in a bag and freeze until you need them. It preserves the yummy banana taste and saves you from throwing them away). 

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Shira’s background as a competitive swimmer is what steered her towards a profession helping people unleash the untapped potential of their bodies. As a Family Wellness Chiropractor in Auckland, she enjoys helping babies, children and adults reach their full health potential.

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