
The Spirit of Adventure Trust provides one of the best and most unique youth development programmes in New Zealand.

Beth Humphrey aged 18 (pictured above) completed her 10-Day voyage and loved the experience so much, she has since returned to do further programmes and sail as volunteer crew.

“My 10-day voyage was such an incredible experience. I learnt so much about myself and it gave me confidence in my ability to lead others.  At the same time I discovered my love for the sea – that was pretty special.”

Each year 1200 young people get the opportunity to attend a Spirit of Adventure programme. These youth gain skills they need to help them succeed into adulthood.

“Onboard we were all involved with planning out our day and I returned home from my voyage being better equipped to set myself plans – this has been really beneficial for my work at school and Uni.”

Otago University research also proves that Spirit of Adventure’s programmes delivers long term benefits for young people with results indicating that students coming off the ship show a marked increase in self-esteem, resilience and social skills.

These voyages aren’t a holiday on a ship.  They’re about 40 young people coming together from all over New Zealand and learning from each other skills in communication, leadership, self-discipline, resilience, co-operation, confidence and tolerance.

If you or a young person you know is aged 15-18 years and would benefit from taking part in a 10-day programme or would like more information, get in touch with the Spirit of Adventure on 0800 4 SAILING or visit http://www.spiritofadventure.org.nz/.

Or if you want to apply now, simply download their application form and get it into the Spirit!

You can get more information about the 10-day programme here: www.spiritofadventure.org.nz/voyages/10-day-youth-development-voyage

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This information was compiled by the Kiwi Families team.

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