
Cluey Learning is an innovative online tutoring platform that is growing rapidly in Australia and New Zealand, and getting great feedback from parents on both sides of the ditch.

There’s been some unprecedented challenges for learners over the past couple of years, with a result that remote learning has becoming the new normal for many students. Cluey Learning has taken the online learning model, and perfected a platform for one-to-one tutoring online.

We decided to take it for a whirl ourselves to see if our Year 6 daughter would take to online tutoring. The experience was awesome, and we definitely see the value in a little extra tutoring beyond the school week.

So, if you’re also ready to discover a new way of learning, that’s both effective and engaging, check out our review of Cluey Learning below.

A Look Inside the Cluey Learning Dashboard

Let’s take a look inside the Cluey Learning dashboard, and some of the features available.

Learning activity summary

Somewhere you’ll be reviewing regularly is the Learning Activity section and tutoring summary. The summary gives you an overview of progress to date, how many sessions and goals have been completed, and how your child is finding the learning experience.

From here you can also get into the individual session reports, including recorded versions of the lesson if that’s required.

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Tutor session feedback

I really like the tutor feedback section. Here you can get an overview of how the session went, including feedback from both the tutor and your child. And they give you an overview of the current goals they’re working towards.

You can see Saige’s tutor feedback below where she’s noted how nice the tutor was and that she’s ‘excited for next week’. Well she doesn’t usually say that about school, so that’s clearly a big tick for Cluey Learning tutors!

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Managing your account

Another screen with a number of features you’re likely to use is the service management screen.

From here you can manage your child’s session times, days and frequency. And you can add or pause sessions from here. You can get to the tutor session feedback and recordings from here too.

You can also manage individual tutor and learning content from here, adding in different subjects, or even switch to group learning.

This is also the place where you can manage billing and payments and all the account admin stuff.

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Managing tutoring sessions

One of the features I think is really cool is the flexibility within Cluey Learning to add extra sessions, skip a session or sessions, and change the session times or frequency whenever you want.

This is a great feature where you can, for example, pause a couple of lessons over the school holidays, add a couple extra sessions if exams are coming up, or change the tutor session day if your family schedule changes.

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All of these features are really important for managing your child’s learning, but you might still be wondering what the actual online learning experience is like? Our daughter Saige took some trial lessons with Cluey Learning. Find out how she found it, and whether she recommends it to others.

Saige’s Experience with Cluey Learning

Cluey Learning-Saige

Saige really enjoyed her trial experience with Cluey Learning. She took the mathematics lessons.

There’s a process in the first lesson of finding out where a child is at, and what their different abilities are. Saige was a little nervous to begin with, and felt the need to get this part ‘right’. But the tutor was really patient and calm, and just slowly worked through the process.

Saige loved using the interactive whiteboard, to work in real time alongside the tutor. She picked up how to navigate the whiteboard almost straight away, and found moving around and interacting with the content all really intuitive. The online whiteboard is a great tool, with tutor and student able to work equations, erase mistakes, and see changes in real time.

We had a change of tutor part way through the trial lessons, and I thought this would be a good test of the platform, and might be a bit awkward for Saige. But Cluey handles tutor changes really well, and they just simply picked up where she’d left off. Saige enjoyed her second tutor even more!

I asked Saige directly how she found it, and what she enjoyed most about it.

I thought the teachers were really nice. It was easy to get the equations right because they taught them right through. I really liked the drawing tool, it was easier than using a pen to write. I enjoyed how easy the tutor made it to understand the equations. I’d definitely recommend it to other kids, because it’s a really easy way to learn, and was lots of fun!

Cluey Learning Costs

Cluey Learning don’t have a fixed tutoring cost as such. Lessons will start from around $40 per session per child. But the cost depends on a number of factors, such as which school year your child is in, how much extra tutoring they require, etc.

You can answer a simple questionnaire online, and Cluey Learning will send you an individualised plan that’s most suitable for your child’s needs.

The flexibility that Cluey provides means you can book lessons weekly, fortnightly or multiple lessons in one week, for instance for when an exam is coming up, and you can change the frequency at any time. You can book and pay ahead of time for a block of tutoring sessions too.

If you’re still unsure if online tutoring is what you need, you can also sign up for a couple trial lessons, and try out the product at a discounted rate to see if it’s for you and your child.

Conclusion and Recommendations for Parents

In summary, Cluey Learning is a fantastic online tutoring platform that offers personalised, one-on-one tutoring support to students in need.

Focussed on English and Maths, and individual learning plans based on the New Zealand curriculum, Cluey Learning tutoring could be perfect for your child.

The two tutors our daughter worked with were warm and patient, and very understanding. I’m sure all of Cluey Learning’s tutors are the same, as there certainly appears to be a strong focus on quality teaching.

Online tutoring may not be suitable for all children. There’s a certain level of technological skills required. And a good amount of focus is required on the part of the student. Let’s face it, online learning in general can be hard work, compared with the classroom. But the tutors Saige worked with built good raport quickly. And she really enjoyed the sessions.

For any parents looking to extend their child’s learning, or provide them with extra tutoring for catch up outside of the classroom, Cluey Learning is a fantastic and affordable online tutoring service. Highly recommended.

Use our link to get 20% off tutoring, for a limited time, just head on over to the Cluey Learning website to find out more about what they have on offer.


This information was compiled by the Kiwi Families team.

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