
Play and learn with your own ringing phone! Brrring Brrring! Watch your child join in the fun as they make calls and answer their very own mobile phone – just like you. Explore it together: punch the chunky buttons and phone relatives, or ring a special friend to sing “Happy Birthday!” There are games to play and things to find, flaps to lift and lots to do in this fun filled playbook. This book is perfect for pre-schoolers, who want to be just like mum and dad.


This information was compiled by the Kiwi Families team.


  1. i really like this book and have got this for my toddler for chirstmas. My son is going to love learning how to use a phone

  2. This is such a great book for kids. It teaches them about talking
    on the phone. My kids like to talk to Pop on our real phone but still
    like to “talk to their friends” on their play phones. Any child would
    love this book.

  3. Our daycare has this for the toddlers and it keeps the kids busy.
    They all seem to want to play with it. Great to teach children about
    how to use a phone.

  4. My sisters kids have this and when ever my daughter visits she just
    loves to play with it. I am thinking of buying her this for Christmas.

  5. Great book to teach my children on how to use th phone. I love the
    colours and my son just loves ringing away. He now wants to hold my
    cell phone and pretend hes talking to his father.

  6. This book is just great great to teach toddlers. Its nice watching
    the little on have fun with this book, he makes and answers his own
    mobile phone.

  7. I enjoyed watch my son join in the fun as they make calls and
    answer their very own mobile phone just like me. We have this at our
    toy library and we explore it together.

  8. A great book to teach toddlers how to use the phone. Kids really enjoy
    having a phone just like mum and dad that they can talk on. Great how
    the buttons make noises similar to a real phone. The book also has some
    great games to play and things to find which keeps kids entertained.

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