
The original classic touch and feel book that has been entertaining babies for over 60 years. Babies will love to touch this book and follow along with the activities such as patting the bunny and playing peek-a-boo. The interesting textures and smells will hold baby’s interest during story time or even on a car trip. One of the top selling baby story books of all time, Pat the Bunny was first released in 1940, and has been a favorite family book for several generations.


This information was compiled by the Kiwi Families team.


  1. texts are simple and brightly coloured illustrations appealed to my kids. Great auther by the way.

  2. I have read this book to my kids on numerous occassions and they still love it.

  3. my son loves this book. We snuggle under covers and read it huddled together

  4. Okay the bunny looks to me like an amorphous blob, and Paul and
    Judy creep me out. But my daughter loves to pat the bunny and she goes
    to this book over and over again. Poor Paul’s dishrag is turning to limp
    threads from playing Peek-a-boo.

  5. My daughter just loves this book and loves playing peek a boo. She likes to pull the blankets over her face and yell out loud.

  6. not really my thing, i know its a classic but i like some of the newer touch and feel books later.

    I didnt see this as a child so maybe that why i dont feel attatched to it 🙂

  7. This book is a original classic pf mine and my grandparents read this to
    my parents. My daugther loves to read along and pat the bunny. She
    leant to play peek a boo.

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