
The awesome people over at LunchBox inc gave us a couple of lunch boxes to try out. This is the Silicon Collapsible Bento Lunch Box and I think I am in love with it!

The Silicone Collapsible Bento Lunch Box has three deep compartments, which collapse into themselves for easy storage; or for days you just don’t need as much room for your lunch. The compartments are made up of one large, and two medium-sized, with a leak proof lid.

What I’m Liking

The Silicone Collapsible Bento Lunch Box is great for kids and adults alike. I’ve found it to be super durable and great for taking to work with left over dinner in it, as it’s microwave safe. It’s also 100% dishwasher safe, always an important double-tick in my book.

I’ve also discovered unlike some of the other bento lunch boxes you’re able to fit a small whole apple and a pottle of yogurt (if placed on its side). Although this may not be the best use of space in it. You can also fit a couple of sandwiches, as long as they’re cut up.

I love that the clasps aren’t too hard to use. Even my 3 1/2 year old could remove the lid once I showed her how.

An extra little bonus is the click-in ‘spork’ that means you won’t be stuck eating lunch without cutlery.

I think this lunch box is suited to older children and adults, from about the age of 8 up to adults. But that’s just my opinion. Lunch boxes with smaller compartments suit my child’s eating style better, as she’s someone who likes eating small portions of different things.

Anything to improve

The only thing to consider with silicone lunch boxes is that they can sometimes pick up food scents. This is usually only with very scented lunches, like a leftover curry, or tuna casserole. So use something appealing like a lemon or orange scented detergent when washing. One tip I’ve heard of is to soak the lunch box in boiling water for a few minutes before popping in the dishwasher.


Overall this is a great little lunch box, that’s a real space-saver, and perfect for packing light lunches.

The Silicone Collapsible Bento Lunch Box – RRP $29.90 from Lunch box inc

Check out our lunchbox review page for more great lunch box reviews.


This information was compiled by the Kiwi Families team.

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