
Soda Pop by Barbro Lindgren is a classic Swedish children’s novel that is an absurd tale from a world where anything can happen. The main characters are a father, a son, a giraffe and a bunch of hotdog-eating tigers. I know right!?!

Soda Pop loves bright orange clothes and wears a tea cozy on his head.

He brought up his son Mazarin on sweet buns and love. Grandfather Dartanyon emerges from his wood shed every morning with a new identity, and his Great-grandfather has moved into a tree, eats birdseed, and thinks he is a cuckoo.

In this world anything can happen.

What I’m liking

Soda Pop is a wonderful read, not only for children but also for the young at heart. I found this book to be greatly entertaining to read aloud with my children. Often with both of us ending up in giggles.

soda pop tigersThe writer Barbro Lindgren has a wonderful way of creating pictures with words.

This enables her to transport the reader right into the world she has created. The illustrations are fun and quirky, and add to the colourful experience.

I also found that the the chapters weren’t too long. This makes it the perfect bedtime read for our family.


Soda Pop was a very satisfying read. Each chapter took us on a crazy, silly journey that had us smiling at the end, which is a wonderful note to fall to sleep on.

This is a real feel good story. Your kids will love it!

Soda Pop – Written by Barbro Lindgren – Published by Gecko Press – RRP$27.65


This information was compiled by the Kiwi Families team.

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