
First up, I have to say that I didn’t see Finding Nemo when it first came out, so I don’t have anything to compare it with. I went on Fathers’ Day with my almost four year old, who was extremely excited to be going to her first movie.

There was a great opening short movie, a spin off from toy story called Partysaurus Rex. This too was in 3D and it was great. Miss Almost Four was laughing out loud and loved it, and I enjoyed it as well.

Finding Nemo was great, visually spectacular and entertaining on multiple levels for both adults and kids – what I saw of it – more about that below.

I’m liking

I thought that the movie was beautiful. When I was watching, I was wondering how they’d made it into 3D, as it looked like it was always that way. The story is engaging and there is enough in it for both kids and parents!

Things that made me go hmmmm

Nothing, I enjoyed it and my daughter enjoyed much of it as well. The only problem, and it was our fault not the movie’s, was that Miss Almost Four had never been to a movie before and there were some ‘scary’ moments. The result was that she was too scared. We left once and she realised that she would miss the rest of the movie so we went back in but it was too much for her. I’d recommend this movie for slightly older children… or at least, children more used to movies.

The conclusion

Great movie. Great introduction movie. I will be buying the DVD so I can see how it finishes and I’m sure that Miss Almost Four will be dying to see it when she’s a bit older as well 🙂


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