
Dr Libby’s Womens Wellness Wisdom: What Every Woman Needs to Know is an inspiring book for women of all ages. Whether you’re just starting out on your wellness journey or have been exploring your heath for a while now Women’s Wellness Wisdom will have something for you.

Dr Libby’s new book is a guide to creating exceptional health. She’s broken the book up into 4 sections, eat, body, mind and world. Each section is full of easily digestible information that will help you on the road to health.

I’m liking

What I love about Women’s Wellness Wisdom is that it is laid out beautifully with gorgeous images throughout. Dr Libby can break down the most complex of ideas. She turns them into plain English to make them easy to understand.

One of the key learnings I’ve taken from the book is from her section on teaching our children the nutritional value of food. Dr Libby writes

Teaching children from the get-go about the nutritional value of food can be game-changing for their future choices, as well as for their health right now. Instead of suggesting that they eat something because it is “healthy” (a word that has no connotation to most three year olds), explain, for example, that an orange is a good food choice because it contains vitamin C, and this helps your body not catch a cold.

After reading this we started referring to food as nutritious to our Miss 3, and explaining what’s in the food and why it’s good for her. She’s really taken to this idea and has already started referring to certain foods as ‘nutritious’, which is super-cute.

Also, in myself, I have become more conscious of my own eating habits and body type. It’s not about feeling guilty but more about listening to what your body truly needs to help you thrive.


Anything to improve?

My first impression, when I had a quick flick through the book, was that it was beautiful but that there were very few recipes. Once I really started to read and absorb the information though, I realised there was really important food knowledge I needed and recipes were the last thing on my mind.

The conclusion

This is an absolutely wonderful book, it has already helped me in so many ways. I truly believe if you are really serious about your wellness this is a must-have book. It’s full of really helpful information that can transform your mindset, and set you on a new path.

Dr Libby’s Womens Wellness Wisdom: What Every Woman Needs to Know – Published by Little Green Frog Publishing – RRP $39.95



This information was compiled by the Kiwi Families team.

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