Are you searching for information and advice to help you as a parent to understand and help with a particular child behaviour problem or issue? Screaming eleven year old? Adolescent twelve year old?
We provide excellent articles about 11 & 12 Year Old Child Behaviour — the major problems & issues, including discipline strategies, typical or normal behaviour.
Also explore Child Development articles — 11 – 18 Year Old
Changes in behaviour
Discipline Strategies
How to Discipline a child according to Age
Nine Common Parenting Mistakes
Eating Habits
Child Safety – Tips, Advice
Internet Safety
Self Esteem
Sibling Rivalry
Sibling Rivalry 1
Sibling Rivalry 2
Single Parenting
Nightmare, Night Terrors & Sleep Walking
Smacking / Spanking
Step Parenting
Your Kid gets up my Nose
Step Parents
My doughter that is almost 13 years old is jumping over our house and getting a strange sound 🙁 is this normal
She is great at school but she doesn’t have any friends
My 11 year old honor student, has attitude all the time, she broke her smart phone and expects a new one when told she would have to earn it, pouted refusing a standard flip phone replacement, then a few minutes. Later I smelled smoke in house and paniced I was about to call 911 when she admitted she lit a price of paper on fire in her room, has no explanation as to why. I’m mad, confused.
I need some help with my 12 year old dsughter