
Why do people choose to Homeschool?

People who educate their children at home tend to fall into two categories;

Those who actively choose home schooling as their preferred method of education for their children.

Some parents actively choose home schooling, as they believe it gives their children a better / different style of education. Other parents may have been involved in their children’s preschool education and find they have the confidence to carry on with educating their children themselves.  Some people who choose to homeschool may do so because they have a range of alternative values that they believe would be better supported through home education.

Those who find school doesn’t suit their child and want an alternative. These parents may have children:

  • with health issues or special needs
  • who have been bullied or very unhappy at school
  • with different learning styles
  • who have been expelled or suspended from school
  • with special talents or abilities that need extending
  • who need to put extra time into their chosen field such as sport, music, academic pursuits.

What are the benefits / drawbacks to home schooling?

Benefits of home schooling include:

  • close, warm family relationships
  • fewer teenage problems
  • flexibility which means a more spontaneous and exciting education for your child
  • more opportunities to extend their learning and have them participate in the world around them.

Children learn best when they are interested in a subject and the flexibility of home education allows this to happen regularly.

Some of the drawbacks to home schooling may be:

  • reduced income as one parent is at home educating rather than earning an income
  • giving up at least part of your house to children’s projects
  • the need to make a greater effort to involve your children in activities with their peers outside of the home for socialisation reasons (read more about this aspect of home schooling under the heading “What about socialisation if I home school?”)
  • a lack of exposure to an assortment of ideas and opinions that the student is more likely to receive if he or she is schooled face-to-face in a school environment and
  • the fact that you are ultimately responsible for the education and learning of your child/children.  This task may be daunting for some parents who choose to home school.

To read further discussion on the benefits and drawbacks of home schooling visit  www.wikianswers.com.

One of the costs you will have to consider when you make the decision to homeschool is the loss of income a parent will have to endure. The commitment to homeschool means one of you will need to be at home to educate and supervise your child/children. It doesn’t have to be the case that this is all you do. Many parents have managed to work or study part-time and continue to homeschool.What will home schooling cost me?

This article gives some more useful advice on things to consider when deciding to homeschool.


Homeschooling in New Zealand
The Ministry of Education provides a small amount of assistance in the form of an annual ‘supervisory allowance.

This consists of $743 for the first child, $632 for the second, $521 for the third, and $372 for each one after that.

This is paid retrospectively, in two instalments each year, June and December.

Do I need permission to homeschool my child/children?

Yes. In New Zealand children between 6 – 16 years of age must attend a registered school, or have an exemption from school attendance. This exemption is granted by your local office of the Ministry of Education.

You’ll need to convince the Ministry officer that you are able to educate your child “as regularly and as well” as a registered school. However you are not obliged to follow the national curriculum or create a mini-school at home. This is why the term “home education” is preferred to “home schooling”.

One of the biggest advantages to home schooling is the flexibility. You can tailor learning programs to suit you, your child and your lifestyle. This also means everyone ends up doing things a little differently.

The Ministry of Education recognises this and, in considering your application, will want to know:

  • that you’ve considered your child’s needs and abilities; and
  • that you’ve done some research, set goals and have a reasonable idea of what you are doing.

Contact your local Ministry of Education office for an exemption application form.

How do I get started and where do I find resources?

There are many ways you can go about homeschooling which range from purchasing a curriculum to self-directed learning. Pick a method that suits your child’s learning style and your lifestyle.

Resources to help you can be found:

  • on the internet. Resources online are unlimited and often cost nothing
  • through small businesses run by home educators. They import educational resources and will be happy to recommend materials. Click here for links to resource suppliers on the internet
  • at educational bookstores that will be happy to help you with requests, or try online bookstores

The Ministry of Education will also make a number of resources available to you, including:

Are there any government checks on home educated children?


The Ministry of Education will advise the Education Review Office that you are homeschooling. ERO will undertake occasional reviews for the purpose of ensuring the student is being given an education appropriate to their needs and that he/she is not being disadvantaged by being educated at home.

You’ll be required to renew your intention to homeschool every six months. The Ministry of Education will send you a form to do this. This form also allows you to apply for the small supervisory allowance you are entitled to as a home educator.

How do homeschooled students get qualifications?

There are several ways in which homeschooled students can attain qualifications.

  • One way is to sit the Cambridge exams.
  • Another option is to enrol in The Correspondence School.
  • Alternatively a student can return to school at any time. Some homeschooled students return in Year 11 or 12 (see Year Structure in the Glossary) in order to gain NCEA credits.

What about socialisation if I homeschool?

Firstly, what is socialisation?

Socialisation is all about the way a person learns to behave in their community and society in general. For the most part, socialisation is thought to happen in the first ten years of life but it is an ongoing, lifelong process.

There is no need for children to feel isolated if they are homeschooled. There are a number of support and activities groups throughout the country designed to ensure homeschooled students don’t miss out on contact with their peers. This allows them the chance to ‘mingle’ with others in the same situation as them.

And don’t forget about community sports clubs and other activities. Homeschooled students often take part in all the same activities that a student who attends school does.

It is important that parents who choose to home school their child make a concerted effort to involve their children with their peers.  Missing out on this interaction during school hours may mean their social development is affected, so it becomes all the more important that every effort is made to have them socialise with others outside of the home.  This will help home schooled children learn to cooperate, interact and communicate with varying personalities and people.

How do I get in touch with support groups?

There are a number of local home-ed support groups around the country. They often get together for support meetings, trips or tuition.

There are three regional networking groups:

  • Auckland Home Educators,
  • Wellington Homeschool Association, and
  • Christchurch Home Educators.

whose volunteer members will be happy to give you advice and information.

There are two national groups promoting homeschooling awareness throughout New Zealand:

  • The National Council of Home Educators, and
  • The Home Education Foundation.

In addition to these contact points there is an extensive homeschooling information website, www.home.school.nz, and a national network of Facebook groups that allow home educators to contact each other.  Please see the contacts below.

Useful Websites for Home schooling








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Kylie Valentine is a qualified secondary school teacher, trained journalist, and the mum of two fabulous children.

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dave charles

ive gone across the nz govn site to request a exemption application form,there is no definite form,lots of other subjects,plus i still cant get a list of available online schooling,its like its legal but they dont want you to leave the school system,anyone out there understand,back and forth for a month now,they just put you onto someone else,sounds like govn,any help?

Nancy Catherine Fulford

Kia ora everyone. I’m learning a lot reading through people’s inquiries. What a helpful community.
After two decades teaching in the state system I recently qualified as a Steiner teacher. This year I’ve stepped out of mainstream education to begin a business entitled Hearts and Hands offering Arts Based approaches to learning. I’m based in Welly but plan to set off in my camper van shortly and make myself available for clusters of Homeschoolers wherever the interest arises. Please be in touch if you like the sound of this for your children. I’d love to tell you more about it.

Suzanne Beazley

Hi I am currently homeschooling my 12 year boy do you know if it is possible to join am intermediate school to learn woodwork when they run there class and still remain a homeschooler.


Now that is cool!

P Maniapoto

Hello, I’m just enquiring about homeschooling and if you still take applications for year 2022. Also if homeschooling will still be available in the new year 2022? Thank you kind regards P Maniapoto.

Jarrod Rendle

Hi there, you need to contact Te Kura to follow up on the application. Cheers — Jarrod


Hi there, I hope this thread is still active! I’d like to homeschool my nephew but only find reference to parent or caregiver being able to do so. He does not live with us, but within 1km and his parents are not in the position for one of them to homeschool him but we are. Additionally my husband is an ex-teacher and could assist.
Would appreciate finding out if there is any history of close family (rather than parent/official caregiver) being able to homeschool. Thank you



Jay Hart

Please do add Bay of Plenty Home Educators group to your list of Regional Groups 🙂 Thank you!


Hi there, we live in Fiji and have run out of education options here. We’ve moved from the local school system to an alternative school. We’re facing issues with bullying and the need to align to a curriculum with recognised qualifications. We would like to home-school from next year. Though we’re NZ citizens we don’t have a residence in NZ at the moment, but Wellington is our base when we visit. I would be grateful for your guidance on which local Education ministry or education office we should approach? Wellington?


Hi Mereia, you should probably get in touch with someone from Te Kura. Try here: http://www.tekura.school.nz/learn-with-us/enrol/overseas-students/ — Jarrod


Thanks Jarrod, I got in touch, but unfortunately, she can’t enrol until she turns 16 and then she would be a fee-paying student. She does not meet the
2 Overseas Gateways that are government Funded – because she
has not been residing in New Zealand for at least 2 years or more (immediately
prior to the first application). 🙁


My daughter has recently turned 16 and is Level 2, NCEA. Due to mental health issues and a recent bereavement of a close family member, I feel that a home education environment would be better for her at this point.
Can we participate in NCEA from home?


Hi Sally, there is the possibility of home education at NCEA levels. The first way is to apply to home school your daughter through the Ministry of Education, and then apply to a ‘link school’ to sit the exams. Try the link to ‘link schools’ here: https://parents.education.govt.nz/primary-school/schooling-in-nz/home-education/ The second option is to apply to Te Kura, to sit NCEA levels via correspondence. Just note that there are criteria involved to access Te Kura, and your daughter may need to be assessed and referred for this option. Try the link to MoE’s policy here: http://www.tekura.school.nz/enrol-with-us/who-can-enrol/ — Jarrod

Luciph Barlow

I’m a student and I want to be homeschooled but my dad isn’t the most on board with the idea. I have 2 questions, how do I convince him to homeschool me and because I’m 16 do I have a say in whether or not I get homeschooled instead of being at a registered school?


Hi Luciph, if you have good reason to not be in school, but want to continue your schooling, then correspondence school might be a better option. If you meet the Ministry of Education’s criteria, then you can enrol and study from home. You Dad wouldn’t need to ‘teach’ you, as the correspondence programme allows you to learn from home. Find out more at the Te Kura website: http://www.tekura.school.nz/ — Jarrod

sanjeev kumar

Hello, I am Sanjeev Kumar and i am on work visa in auckland..my kid will be 5 year old on 30th Nov. Am i eligible for schooling in NZ ..if yes then how much i have to pay


Hi Sanjeev, you’ll need to apply for a Dependent Child Student Visa, or similar: https://www.immigration.govt.nz/new-zealand-visas/apply-for-a-visa/visa-factsheet/dependent-child-student-visa. Most work visas allow a dependant child to study at school here. Once your kid has their student visa, they can apply to enrol at a local school, and they’ll be treated as a domestic student here. So the schooling will be free (aside from the usual school donations, private school fees, etc.). If you want your kid to start in Year 1 from 1 December, you’ll need to act fast. I imagine the visa will take time, and the school will have an enrolment… Read more »

sanjeev kumar

Thank you for replay, but i have checked. I can apply student visa after 5 year old for kid and that ia completing on 30th nov 2017. After that i can apply… Also if i missed 1st dec date then when i can enroll him

Jessie Amer

she is currently in high school as a year 9 aged 13 ??

Jessie Amer

Hi, so my daughter, her father lives in Auckland and We live in Christchurch and she never really sees her dad because of schooling. Would you think the Ministry of Education would agree on this and would there be a big expense??


Hi there. I have a 13 year old who is in her fist year of college. She has been bullied extensively over the last 3 years at primary and it has carried on into her college life. She’s to the point where she doesn’t want to return to college after the term break. Can you tell me if she can carry on with the NCEA curriculum via homeschooling? Is this what the Cambridge exams are?


Hi I am so sorry to hear about the ongoing bullying your daughter is enduring. I hope that the school has been trying to stop this continuing help in every way possible? She can do NCEA from home via Te Kura online school, http://www.tekura.school.nz


Hi I am so sorry to hear about the ongoing bullying your daughter is enduring. I hope that the school has been trying to stop this continuing help in every way possible? She can do NCEA from home via Tekura online school, http://www.tekura.school.nz

Jordan O

Really glad to see the discussion and involvement of parents here. I am a good example of a homeschooled success story (100%, from Canada, which works much the same way as NZ). I work in a field dominated by computer science degrees, masters, and PhDs, as a fairly successful high earner. I travel, teach myself foreign languages, and have no shortage of opportunity. I even have a fiancee who I filtered for her ability and willingness to homeschool our children if we have them. And guess what — I have never been to university or school. I don’t even have… Read more »


Really inspiring story Jordan, thanks for sharing! The teaching system and structure are important, obviously, but I think at the end of the day it’s all about developing a *desire* to learn, and learning *how* to learn, that makes all the difference in the world. The teacher is just the guide or facilitator of knowledge — Jarrod


My son is sick and couldn’t attend skool this year in Auckland, New Zealand. He is 16. I am a teacher and am thinking of homeschooling him next year. What is the best system? I heard Australia has a system of work they send out to you. Anyone done it? Or just study for Cambridge and sit the exams at the end of the year? What to do? Being a teacher, I could probably organise such for like-minded people. But … just starting out …

Serena Chapman

Also wondering are there any special books I need for her learning can I get resources that her teacher will use, I really don’t wana complicate things I have an idea of what I would like her to be learning but with this application process I feel like it’s just to basic.


Hi Serena. The best place to start is the links we provide on this page, and the pages linked to from here. There are links to specialist providers, and bookstores that stock homeschooling resources. There’s a few good links to resources included by people in this thread, a lot of great resources can be found for free on the internet too. Then we recommend getting in touch with your closest home schooling network (try Facebook groups) as this can help to provide you with a network to ask questions and get more information. Best of luck — Jarrod

Serena Chapman

Hi there I’m wanting to home school my 5 year old daughter I’m about to get the ball rolling with our application but I feel so overwhelmed by the application process any info on starting up would be appreciated I’m wondering was it as complicated as I’m feeling it is I feel like I need to compare myself to a qualified teacher I have confidence in my ability to teach my child and I know that this is the right thing for her and our family but just needing a bit of help in starting.

Bronwyn Hunt

Hi Kate. We are looking into regular schooling as well, but will let you know if we come across home schooling support too.


Hi Kate, it looks like the info is harder to find for Northland. I’d suggest reaching out to people on the current Facebook/Yahoo groups to see if there’s someone that knows someone: http://www.nchenz.org.nz/national-support-groups/ — Jarrod

Bronwyn Hunt

Hi. We are looking at moving towns and wanting to get an idea of whether there are other parents Home schooling in a couple of areas. I can’t find anything easily on the inet for Northland – are you aware of any support groups/families in the Far North? Thanks very much, Bronwyn


Hey Bronwyn, I’m sure there will be a network, it may be more informal though. You could start here and reach out on some of the Facebook or Yahoo groups http://www.nchenz.org.nz/national-support-groups/ Perhaps it will take a couple of families to start a new Northland Facebook group if there isn’t one already! — Jarrod

Bronwyn Hunt

Thanks Jarrod 🙂 Will see how we get on.

Josanne Salvaleon

My son is 7 and I’m thinking of getting him homeschooled. Right now, he’s getting home school tutornig services for langauges from Preply.com ( http://preply.com/en ) and I must say he’s responding better to their style of teaching than at school. I’m seriously considering it.

Zoe Georgina Ransley

Hi I am about to finish my teaching degree and am thinking about becoming a private tutor – how do I go about this?

Hi Zoe – this can be a bit tricky but a good start can be contacting home schooling associations. Good luck!


Hey, I’m an art student in year 10 and my family and I are looking at homeschooling due to health reason, can I still do art? It’s a massive thing for me and not being at school means I don’t have the face-to-face examples etc

Rochelle Gribble

Hi Nick, The best thing to do is talk to Te Kura – The Correspondence School. They’re pretty well set up for this kind of thing and you can see their info on art here: http://www.tekura.school.nz/subjects-and-courses/what-you-can-study/art/AR1000 – however, do have a talk to them about this. Good luck!


hi there i am wanting to home school my daughter as she cant be around to many people. she is under the mental health service . she is 10 years old has been at school for a very long time i dont no how to go about it and get her to do some school work any help would be great . thank you

Rochelle Gribble

Kia ora Aroha – the best thing to do is contact Te Kura – The Correspondence School: http://tekura.school.nz/ I’d also suggest contacting some of the home schooling associations listed above as they should be able to help you apply for an exemption. Good luck! Rochelle


Hello my two boys are really struggling at school they are 14 and 10 they are both really intelligent but one has severe dyslexia and the other one has aspergers. They get teased and left out, called weird and retarded among other things. There is no special help for my boys and their self esteem is really suffering and they are just lost in the crowd, it’s heart breaking I want to look at homeschooling them. What is my best course of action should I get something from their paediatrician? Thank you

Rochelle Gribble

Hi there – I’m so sorry to hear that your boys are having a tough time – that’s really hard for everyone. If you want to homeschool, you will need to gain an exemption. You need to contact your local Ministry of Education office about this. I’d really recommend also contacting a local homeschooling group as they can give you more specific advice on your situation. All the very best with this!


Hi there – we are currently living in the UK and have 2 children 15 and 6. We have been home educating them both for many years using an international curriculum. My husband has a potential job offer in NZ on a 2 year contract – I do not want to put my children into a school as the nz government website suggests; to go through a de registering process whilst we wait for authorisation to home educate!! This could be potentially disruptive and traumatic for them. My children haven’t attended formal schoolling and so we have no intention to… Read more »

Rochelle Gribble

Hi JenBlue, Thanks for your message. I’m not certain of the specifics on this – it would probably be best to try contacting one of the homeschooling associations listed at the bottom of this article. Good luck!


Thank you Rochelle – will give that a go x

Rochelle Gribble

Hope all goes well!

Claire Padiclas

hey there,
i’m 15 and i want to be home schooled but both of my parents work, I have been trying to look for private teachers on the internet but i can’t find any.


Hi everyone, I put my daughter into at home child care instead of daycare and highly recommend it to anyone else weighing up the two options! The one-on-one quality time with my daughter and an educator was what convinced me and the at home child care service i did it through ( http://lighthouseathome.co.nz ) was excellent!

Again, if your thinking about it.. go for at home child care!


I read on an official website that you can’t home school your child if they are 16 years or older and I was just wondering if it was true and if it’s possible to home school your child for just the last year of high school

Rochelle Gribble

Hi Aria, If your child is over 16, they don’t legally need to be enrolled in school so yes – you can, and you don’t need to seek any exemptions. Good luck!


I read on a website that you can’t enroll your child for homeschooling if they’re 16 years old or older and I was wondering if this was true

Evie Sharae

I’m fifteen years old and I’ve been really unhappy with my education since I started high school. I’m very smart and very capable of sports but school has been a complete struggle for me for two years. And as of this I have been away a lot from school concluding me missing out on so much of my education. I can’t stand school and the pressure of it. I have anxiety and depression and the school counselor and the school itself don’t give a damn. My mum was prepared to home school me when she saw the state of me… Read more »

Rochelle Gribble

Hi Evie, What country are you in?

Evie Sharae

New Zealand 🙂

Rochelle Gribble

Ok – so if you want to home school, you need to apply for an exemption from your local Ministry of Education office.

Evie Sharae

Okay, I’ll look into it. Thank you

Rochelle Gribble

Good luck!


Hi rochelle how much would it cost for a 14 year old in New Zealand, tauranga be as my daughter is very unsettled at her new college and would like to be home schooled.


I just made a profile this is jane could you please reply to this comment thanks. 🙂

Rochelle Gribble

HI Jane,

The cost of homeschooling largely depends on what resource material you use. The best thing to do is contact Te Kura http://tekura.school.nz/ or one of the homeschooling associations and they can give you some ideas about this. Good luck! Rochelle

Robyn Bardas

Hello, We are thinking of homeschooling our 14 yr old daughter in Wanaka, as she’s refusing to go to school. If there are other people down here I would love to get together. I would also love to meet any teachers down here who would be interested in getting involved. Thanks

Rochelle Gribble

Hi Robyn, Sounds like you have been having a tough time with your daughter – sorry to hear that. The best thing to do is contact one of the local home schooling associations listed above – they’ll be able to help put you in contact with people in your area. Good luck!


Hi, We are looking at taking our 4 kids on an overseas adventure for up to a year. We will need to homeschool. Can we still apply to MOE for funding even though we will be out of the country? In doing so I guess that will mean applying to homeschool etc? Thanks for your help in advance.

Sally @ Kiwi Families

Hi Kazza, here is some advice from people with experience doing something similar: https://www.facebook.com/kiwifamilies/posts/712137485511549 – sounds like it could be amazing! Have fun!


I am having trouble getting my daughter to attend school she is 15 years old and in year 10. She started cutting a year ago apparently because of bullying, I have been to the school and talked to my daughter about the issues she is having. I was wondering now would home schooling be a better option for my daughter, and how do I go about getting information on how I do this. I want her to have an education but I don’t want the constant battle of getting her to school.

Rochelle Gribble

Hi Hollee – sorry to hear that – that must really tough for you all. If you want to homeschool your daughter, you could start by contacting one of the homeschooling associations listed above. Once your daughter turns 16, she is not legally required to be in school but before this, you will need to gain an exemption. You can find out more about this by contacting your local Ministry of Education office. Good luck!

Miria Bennett

Hi guys I have 5 children 4 at school and have become very saddened by there thoughts of school now .my children always loved school but now to severe bullying and verbal abuse from their teachers they now dreed school.They were always at lest a year above in all aspects of their learning and are now dropping which also really worries me.For this I wish to home school my children .Is what I’m thinking the right thing to do or am I just being an overprotective mum.which I have been called by teachers when I have confronted them with my… Read more »

Rochelle Gribble

Hi Miria,

Sounds like a tough time! If you are interested in talking to some people who homeschool, the best thing to do is contact one of the homeschooling organisations listed above. They’ll be able to give you some advice on this.

Good luck!


Margaret Bourke

Hi, I have just found your website as I am interested in homeschooling my 15 year old daughter who is finding that the school system is not challenging enough for her. She is very motivated but I am nervous about having structure to her homeschooling so that she will have choices in the future around further study etc. with some internationally recognised qualifications. Could you advise a useful curriculum to follow and could you advise me on the use of Cambridge exams in homeschooling and if they are an option. Also, do you have any idea of the costs involved… Read more »

Rochelle Gribble

Hi Margaret, Are you in New Zealand?

Margaret Bourke

Hi Rochelle, yes we are in New Zealand. We are originally from Ireland but have lived in NZ for over 10 years and my daughter has had most of her schooling in New Zealand. However, she would like to have the option of going to University in Ireland or the UK and that is why I was asking about internationally recognised qualifications/curriculum.

Rochelle Gribble

Hi Margaret,

Thanks for the kind words about our site! Unfortunately, I’m not aware of whether Cambridge offers a homeschooling option – I suspect that you’d have to connect with a school that offers CIE exams. Here is the CIE website – http://www.cie.org.uk/ – you may be able to find some information here… otherwise, the Cambridge schools in New Zealand have a website here: http://www.acsnz.org.nz/ and they may be able to help. Good luck with this!


Margaret Bourke

Hi Rochelle,
Many thanks for all your help – much appreciated! The ACSNZ website is very useful and it looks like they do cater for home schooled children as ‘private candidates’, so I will follow up with them as to how we can organise it. Thanks again Rochelle and best of luck with the website – it’s a great resource and no doubt I’ll be checking it out regularly in the future… 🙂

Rochelle Gribble

No worries! Hope you are able to get things sorted 🙂

Yvonne Costar

Hi I want to home school, my intelligent 15 year old, who is the victim of constant bullying. This has led her to be anti social and suffer from anxiety attacks. She has lots of dreams and ambitions, but the anxiety holds her back from moving forward. Subsequently truancy is an issue with the school system. We have been referred to many agencies and are falling through the cracks there. Our local truancy officer has threatened us with prosecution and when I suggested home schooling told me it costs $2500.00 per subject and that I would not be able to… Read more »

Rochelle Gribble

Hi Yvonne, Sounds like you and your daughter have been having a tough time. The best people to talk to are Te Kura – The Correspondence School – http://www.tekura.school.nz. They’ll be able to advise on the price of courses. You could also contact some of the home school associations listed above – they may also be able to help advise you. Good luck!

yvonne harris

Hi Yvonne my daughter and i have been going through the same thing she is 14 and after a lot of time and effort she is now enrolled in Te Kura on psycho-social grounds due to her anxiety ,luckily we had a good doctor who gave medical certificates to cover the truancy issue so we could get this sorted somewhat I don’t know what will happen as the exemption is only for 3 months at this stage but its something If you get an early leaving exemption for your daughter and then approach Te Kura the course fees are $110… Read more »

Barbara Smith

Here are a couple of New Zealand Studies that families might find helpful:

This one was a survey completed by those who had finished being home educated in NZ:
Beyond Homeschooling NZ 2013 by Jenny Barkley – http://hef.org.nz/2013/beyond-homeschooling-nz-2013/

Here is a PHD study by Leo Roach:
PhD study on Home Education in New Zealand – http://hef.org.nz/2010/phd-study-on-home-education-in-new-zealand/

And a nice one to finish with:
Employers Look for Right Attitude – http://hef.org.nz/2014/employers-look-for-right-attitude/


Hi there, We are planning an family OE in 2 years, our daughter currently in Montessori Primary will be Year 7 when we hopefully get going. Is the process of applying for an exemption the same if I was to homeschool her on the road? or would the laws in the other countries apply? Thanks and just looking for a starting point.

Rochelle Gribble

Hi Luna, You would, most likely, be subject to the law in the other countries. Te Kura (The Correspondence School) is a great source of information on these matters so maybe try contacting them. Good luck!


Hello there, i have a 14 year old that has had nothing but trouble will bullying through her schooling years, i am at the point now where i do not want to send her back into the main stream school, the M.O.E, are making it realy hard for me to keep my girl safe aswell as give her the schooling she needs, i am at a loss with what to do, please any advice would be great. Many thanks Melissa

Rochelle Gribble

Hi Melissa,

Sorry to hear about the issues you’ve been having – that’s really tough. There are several home schooling groups in NZ and they can be a good source of advice. There are a number of links to these groups in the article above. In order for you to remove your daughter from school, you need to gain an exemption from the MOE and you’ll need to contact your local MOE office about this. Good luck! Rochelle


Thank you so much for replying, i will look into that once school returns at the end of the month. Once again, may thanks

Rochelle Gribble

No worries! Good luck with this!


Certified nz educator currently home schooling for a family in auckland! Unfortunately the family is moving to England at the end of the year. I’m looking for another opportunity to teach within a home environment. I have CV, recommendations, and would love to show you our amazing school! Please pass along to anyone who is interested in taking the leap to home education but needs guidance/ assistant or full time teacher! I love my job and passionate for children to learn in a small hands on creative approach.

Mandy Bunce

Hi Kristen. I would be really interested in meeting you and chatting. I am looking for a home education tutor for my son. Please contact Mandy 0273582501

Bridget Casse

Also, for those near Porirua, this free literacy seminar would be worth a look, https://www.facebook.com/manaeducationcentre/posts/511659638917551

For others, have a look at the Mana Ed centre site anyway – for parents & educators. 🙂


Bridget Casse

Gosh I have to say my dream job would be to start a home school for all your children who are not finding success in mainstream! I’m a very experienced primary teacher but I think the key to success lies with teaching our young ones how to learn. If we can teach that, they hold the power to learn anything. Learning something follows the same formula whether it’s a toddler learning to walk, or me writing an essay for my post-grad. Teaching thinking skills is key & defining the learning verbs is so helpful when children are young. The thinking… Read more »


Hi There, I am new to this site. I have been browsing education options for my 16 year old and 15 year old. Due to unforeseen circumstances we are moving back to New Zealand from Australia. We have only been here a year but the education has been AWESOME. My 2 teenagers are not overly keen to go back to school in New Zealand. I am wondering what other options could be available. We will be in the Manukau area…If any one has any information it would be much appreciated. (-:

Rochelle Gribble

Hi Tone,

Are you interested in information on schools or homeschooling?




Hi, thanks for this fantastic website! I’m researching home educating for my 3 daughters and wish to begin as soon as I am able to do so. I’m about to begin the process of filling out the application for an exemption but now that I’m looking at their personalised educational goals etc, I’m feeling a bit stuck at the moment in regards to WHAT curriculum I should follow or which one would be best? I am seriously considering following through with the ACE curriculum but my budget at this time is not suitable for this and I have researched Te… Read more »

Rochelle Gribble

Hi Netty, So pleased to hear that you are finding our site helpful! Thanks 🙂 We consulted a home schooling parent who give the following feedback: The ACE one is popular but very question/answer based. We use Math Smart and Science Smart Curriculums (they are based on Singapore’s Maths and science which continually rate highest academically worldwide). There is also Saxon maths which is very popular and Apologia science which is a Christian-based science curriculum (though maybe just for high school?) I don’t really think you need one for reading/writing but each to their own. She could look at http://www.engagingminds.co.nz/… Read more »


I have a 14 yr old son that is not enjoying school at all being bullied it is so sad to see him trying to deal with it we are interested in looking into home schooling but don’t really understand what we have to do when they say we have to show them how he will learn etc…can any one help?….cheers

Rochelle Gribble

Hi Susan,

Sorry to hear that – tough for you all. Where abouts in New Zealand are you?



westcoast sth island

Rochelle Gribble

Hi Susan,

The best thing to do is get in touch with a local home schooling group – they will be able to help you with your exemption forms etc. This Facebook group is a good place to start: https://www.facebook.com/groups/HomeEducationNZ/

Good luck!



thanx will have a look


Hey Susan, we’re homeschoolers on the west coast 🙂 Hokitika has a great homeschooling group though its more difficult to find homeschoolers in Grey and Westport areas since they don’t have groups but if you’d like to get in touch I’m happy to put you in contact with everyone I know, and also show you an exemption example if it would help! 0275382859


thanx we are up above westport rural I will see how things go I have a chat with a councillor tomorrow my son has been chatting with her…he wants to be homeschooled I’m unsure if I’m up to it seems a lot of hassle for a couple more yrs of school….don’t know what to do


Your page is very informative. I am a fully registered primary school teacher with experience in teaching years 0 to 7. I also have experience in special needs, as a former RTLB (Resource Teacher of Learning and Behaviour). At present, I am on a long term relieving contract. However, in 2014, I would be interested in teaching homeschool families. I live in Auckland.

kween apiata

Hi there my 15 year old wants to do home schooling as she was bullied at her previous school and does not want to go through this again at a new school so is she able to be home schooled and how do i go about this? Thanks in advance

Rochelle Gribble

Hi Kween Apiata,

If your child is under 16, you will need to gain an exemption from the Ministry of Education. In order to do this, you need to contact your local MOE office. Good luck with this.


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