
Non-custodial parents definitely have rights too. Find out more about the key issues – the emotions, the legal and physical practicalities to work through. And find out what your rights are when you don’t have custody of you children.

Not getting to see your child on a day-to-day basis can be very hard to bear for many parents. There’s often a tangle of emotions to deal with, plus legal and physical practicalities to work through.

This article explores non-custodial parental rights, including visitation, child support, and maintaining positive relationships despite challenges

Key Takeaways

  • Non-custodial parents in New Zealand have legally defined rights and responsibilities, ensuring they can maintain a relationship with their children.
  • Understanding the distinction between custody and visitation is crucial for non-custodial parents to know their rights and obligations.
  • Child support is a fundamental aspect of non-custodial parental duties, with legal mechanisms in place to enforce it.
  • Foster positive co-parenting and communication with the child’s custodial parent. This benefits your child’s well-being. If needed, use legal agreements to solidify these practices
  • Non-custodial parents facing unreasonable obstacles to seeing their children should seek legal assistance to enforce their rights.

Parental rights for non-custodial parents in New Zealand

What is a Non-custodial Parent in in New Zealand?

In family law, a “non-custodial parent” is the parent who doesn’t live with their child most of the time.This doesn’t mean they’re out of the picture, though! Non-custodial parents still hold vital parental rights and obligations, which can include visitation, decision-making, and financial support. Recognise both mothers’ and fathers’ rights, ensuring each parent has the opportunity to maintain a meaningful relationship with their child.

The non-custodial parent’s rights are not diminished simply because they do not have primary physical custody. They still play a crucial role in their child’s life.

Non-custodial parents should be aware of the legal rights that come with their status. These include the right to seek a modification of custody arrangements if circumstances change, the right to be involved in important decisions through legal custody, and the right to pursue paternity if it’s in question. In New Zealand, the Family Court can decide paternity and assist with child support matters, such as appealing or enforcing payments.

By understanding your rights, you take the first step towards protecting your role in your child’s life. Whether you’re dealing with child abandonment laws, considering terminating parental rights, or simply looking to understand your position better, knowledge is power.


What is Custody in New Zealand?

In the heart of family law, the term ‘custody’ carries significant weight. In New Zealand, custody refers to the arrangement of care and control for a child after the parents have separated or divorced. It’s crucial to grasp the two main types of custody: physical custody and legal custody.

Physical custody determines where the child will live and who will be responsible for their day-to-day needs. Legal custody, on the other hand, involves the authority to make major decisions about the child’s welfare, including education, health care, and religious upbringing.

When parents part ways, it’s essential to understand that custody arrangements are made with the child’s best interests at heart. The focus is on creating a stable and nurturing environment for the child, regardless of the parents’ relationship status.

Here’s a simple breakdown of custody types:

  • Physical Custody: Where the child resides and who takes care of daily needs.
  • Legal Custody: Who makes significant decisions about the child’s life.

Remember, the goal is to ensure that the child’s welfare is prioritised, and both parents have a role to play in their child’s upbringing, even if one does not hold custody.

Understanding Visitation and Contact Laws

When navigating the waters of non-custodial parenthood, understanding your visitation and contact rights is crucial. Visitation rights are a key aspect of maintaining a meaningful relationship with your children, even if you don’t have full custody rights. In New Zealand, these rights are often outlined in a court order following a custody case.

It’s important to know that there are different types of custody arrangements, such as joint legal custody, which can affect your visitation schedule. Here’s a quick rundown of what you might expect:

  • Joint Custody: Both parents share responsibilities and time with the child.
  • Sole Custody: One parent has the majority of responsibilities and time, but the non-custodial parent may still have visitation rights.

Remember, the child’s best interests are always at the heart of any custody and visitation arrangement. It’s about finding a balance that works for everyone involved, especially the children.

If you’re unsure about your visitation rights or need to modify an existing arrangement, it’s advisable to seek legal assistance. They can guide you through the process and help ensure that your relationship with your child remains strong.

Visitation and Contact in New Zealand

The Basics of Child Support in New Zealand

In New Zealand, understanding the basics of child support is crucial for non-custodial parents. Child support payments are a legal obligation, separate from the right to have contact with your child. These payments are designed to contribute towards the child’s living expenses, ensuring their well-being and stability.

When it comes to child support orders, the Inland Revenue formula assessment plays a key role. If you’re the child’s main carer, you can apply for child support through this formula. However, it’s important that you, your child, and the other parent all meet certain criteria to qualify.

Child support is not just about money; it’s about providing the necessary support for your child’s growth and development, which includes medical support and other essentials.

For non-custodial parents, visiting rights of the father or mother are also a significant aspect. While child support and visitation rights are separate matters, both contribute to the child’s welfare. A well-planned schedule for visitation can help maintain a strong bond between the non-custodial parent and the child.

Here are some of the most common examples of what child support payments cover:

  • Basic necessities like food, clothing, and shelter
  • Educational fees and materials
  • Medical support and healthcare costs
  • Extracurricular activities

Remember, supervised contact guidelines may apply in certain situations, ensuring the child’s safety during scheduled visitation. It’s essential to follow these guidelines to foster a positive environment for your child.

Child Support in New Zealand

Building a Working Relationship with Your Ex-Partner

Building a healthy relationship with your ex-partner is crucial for the well-being of your children. It’s about creating a safe place for your child to grow and thrive, even when you’re not the custodial parent. Here are some tips to foster a positive co-parenting environment:

  • Communicate openly and respectfully. Use simple, solutions-focused language with your ex-partner. Instead of blaming them for a missed pick-up, try: ‘Kia ora, can we plan to have Jamie ready 10 minutes earlier next time to make the handover smoother?’
  • Set clear boundaries and expectations. For example, agree on a primary method of communication (email, text, a shared parenting app like OurFamilyWizard), and a schedule for updates about your child
  • Focus on the child’s needs above personal grievances. Imagine explaining your choices to your child. Could they say, ‘Mum and Dad try to get along so I feel happy even if they don’t live together’?
  • Be flexible and willing to compromise. Remember, Kiwis are known for being adaptable. If a playdate runs late or there’s a sports tournament, try to find a way to make things work for your child.
  • Seek mediation if communication becomes challenging.

Remember, your child support obligation doesn’t just end with financial contributions. It’s also about being an active participant in your child’s life. If you’re facing difficulties with your child support case, don’t hesitate to seek legal advice.

It’s essential to keep the lines of communication open and to approach each interaction with your ex-partner with the child’s best interests at heart.

By working together, you can ensure that your child receives the love and support they need from both parents.

Relationship with Your Ex-Partner (the child’s other parent)

When and How to Seek Legal Assistance

Seeking legal help can feel like a maze, especially when you’re trying to navigate the complexities of fathers legal rights to child or any other aspect of non-custodial parenting. But don’t worry, help is at hand! Here’s a simple guide to get you started:

  • Identify Your Needs: Are you dealing with child support issues, or do you need help with a parenting plan? Knowing what you need is the first step.
  • Research Your Options: There’s a wealth of information available, from the New Zealand Ministry of Justice to local advocates and shelters.
  • Legal Aid: If you’re worried about costs, check if you’re eligible for legal aid. It’s there to ensure everyone has access to justice, regardless of their financial situation.
  • Choose the Right Lawyer: Look for someone experienced in family law, who understands the importance of the child’s best interest and can guide you through the process of securing parenting time.

Remember, the goal is to protect your child’s well-being and ensure that you can make important decisions in your child’s life. Seeking legal advice early can prevent misunderstandings and conflicts down the line.

If you’re facing challenges such as divorce or concerns about child abuse, it’s crucial to act promptly. Legal professionals can help you understand your rights, the nuances of physical custody of the child, and how the child’s age may affect the situation. They can also assist in drafting a parenting agreement that focuses on the child’s welfare and needs. Don’t hesitate to reach out for support when you need it.


In conclusion, navigating the complexities of non-custodial parenthood in New Zealand can be challenging, but understanding your rights is crucial. Whether you’re a stay-at-home mum facing eviction from your children’s father’s house, or a dad striving to enforce your court-ordered visitation, the law provides avenues to ensure your parental rights are respected.

It’s important to remember that both parents have an equal stake in their children’s lives, regardless of custody arrangements. If you find yourself obstructed from contact with your children, legal advice and the children’s court can be your allies in enforcing your rights. Remember, the well-being of your children is paramount, and maintaining a positive relationship with your ex-partner can significantly benefit their upbringing. Should you need assistance, do not hesitate to seek legal support, especially if you’re facing temporary unemployment. Your role in your children’s lives is irreplaceable, and the law recognises this by offering various means to protect your parental rights.

Helpful Resources


Questions about Child Support:

  • Does child support cover school fees? Not directly. Child support is calculated to cover basic living expenses. School fees may be considered ‘extracurricular costs’ and negotiated separately, potentially with a portion factored into the support payment.
  • If I pay child support, do I have to pay for anything else? Potentially. Child support covers the basics, but significant expenses like healthcare, extracurricular activities, or special needs might be shared on a pro-rata basis depending on income.
  • Do I have to pay child support if I can’t see my child? Yes. Child support is the child’s right, regardless of your access or visitation arrangements.

Questions about Custody & Parental Rights:

  • How long does a father have to be absent to lose his rights? There’s no automatic timeframe. Parental rights involve responsibilities. Prolonged, wilful absence might be considered in a custody case if it demonstrates a lack of commitment to the child’s welfare.
  • Can a father take a child away from the mother? Only with a court order or the mother’s consent. New Zealand views both parents as equal guardians, regardless of who has primary custody.
  • Can a mother stop a father from seeing a child? Not without reason. Barring serious safety concerns, courts prioritise a child’s relationship with both parents.
  • How do I get full custody of my child? You’ll need to apply for a Sole Legal Custody order through the Family Court and demonstrate it’s in the child’s best interest.
  • How to get full custody of a child without going to court? It might be possible through a formal parenting agreement with the other parent. However, it’s wise to seek legal guidance to ensure it’s fully binding.
  • If I have full custody, can I move out of the country? It depends. Significant relocation can impact the other parent’s relationship with the child, so you might need court approval depending on the circumstances.
  • If there is no parenting plan, who has custody? Both parents are legally considered guardians unless a court order states otherwise.
  • What are my rights as a sole custodial parent? You have primary decision-making authority about the child’s life, but the other parent typically still has a right to information and involvement where possible.
  • What does it mean to have full custody of your child? You make the major decisions regarding their wellbeing, but generally, it doesn’t extinguish the other parent’s legal rights entirely.
  • What happens if one parent doesn’t show up to court? Court decisions may be made in their absence, potentially leading to default judgments in the other party’s favour.
  • What rights does a parent without legal custody have? At minimum, the right to be informed about the child’s life and potentially some level of visitation or involvement, depending on the circumstances.

Other Important Concerns:

  • What should I do if the mother won’t let the father see the child, no custody agreement? Seek legal advice immediately and consider mediation or Family Dispute Resolution.
  • What should I do if the father refuses to pay child support? Contact the Inland Revenue Department (IRD), which handles child support collection and enforcement in New Zealand.
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Sandi Paterson is a freelance journalist based in Tauranga. She lives in a 1950's bach with her daughter, a grumpy cat, and a budgie who sits on her computer when she writes. This article appeared originally in Little Treasures magazine.

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Cappa Patel

Why is it very clear in Australian law, but yet NZ law on child support is very vague If the custdory is a 60/40 split i am already paying a substanial amount, surely im not expected pay more?. acticle from Australian website : Do I also need to pay school fees, uniforms, school excursions, extra-curricular activities if our child support is assessed through the Child Support Agency?Child Support as assessed by the Child Support Agency is designed to cover all aspects of the financial needs of the child/ren. Any school fees, uniforms, school excursions, extra-curricular activities are included in this… Read more »


Hi, I would like to know if after school care payments should be split between the parents evenly or if child support is meant to cover this. Thanks!

Jarrod Rendle

Hi Anna, this one is very much going to depend on the conditions of the parenting agreement or Parenting Order. Child support should cover the reasonable expenses of raising a child, but is also very much dependent on each parent’s earning percentage, and other factors. So this will really be a case by case situation. We can only suggest raising the issue with the other parent if the costs have become difficult to cover, especially with those costs currently increasing. — Kiwi Families


what if my kids’ father that has day to day care of my kids but refuses for them to go to school and finds any way for them not to go? I have still enrolled my 14-year-old, but he keeps taking him to work so it makes it hard for me to even get him to the induction for school. it’s so frustrating as i have been in touch with everyone i can legally including the police and it’s like no one really cares enough to even follow this up as i have asked my kids and no one has… Read more »

Jarrod Rendle

Hi Ana. It is the law in New Zealand for all kids aged under 16 to be enrolled in school, unless they have an exemption. You should definitely get in touch with the Ministry of Education and find out what your rights are here: https://parents.education.govt.nz/secondary-school/your-child-at-school/leaving-school-before-the-age-of-16/ — Kiwi Families


Hi I would like to know my rights relating to schooling. My ex has convinced my 14 year old that she should leave school and attend an alternative education Programme as soon as she is 15. Of course she is keen on this as she is a lazy learner and does not like authority or rules. I don’t want her pulled from school as this is her one Chance to get a good education and I would rather we focus on getting her to apply herself, Establish a work ethic and extend her capabilities which is all within her ability.… Read more »

Jarrod Rendle

Hi Keith. It is the law in New Zealand for all kids aged under 16 to be enrolled in school, unless they have an exemption. You should definitely get in touch with the Ministry of Education and find out what your rights are here: https://parents.education.govt.nz/secondary-school/your-child-at-school/leaving-school-before-the-age-of-16/ — Kiwi Families

Susan Clemmings`

Sandi do you think there may be some irony in these comments, with most of them relating to fathers not wanting to pay CS?

Jarrod Rendle

Fortunately child support is becoming more enforceable in New Zealand, and even for parents that have moved overseas, but it continues to be a significant issue for many custodial parents! https://www.justice.govt.nz/family/paternity-and-child-support/child-support/enforcing-child-support-payments/#:~:text=If%20you%20don't%20pay,a%20warrant%20for%20your%20arrest. — Kiwi Families

Sheree Hubbard

Hi, I would like to know my rights concerning visiting my elderly mother who lives with her husband, also my stepfather. I am an adult & he is making things very difficult for me to visit her at their home. Can he legally stop me from entering the house even though my mother wants me there? This is very distressing for us both. I’d appreciate any advice or information that may help us. Thank you.

Jarrod Rendle

I’m not sure about the legalities here. If the home is your stepfather’s house then possibly he could prevent you access. You should definitely seek professional advice here though. And if you are at all concerned with your Mum’s wellbeing, then seek urgent advice here: https://www.ageconcern.org.nz/Public/Information/Age_Well/Health_Topics_A-Z/Elder_Abuse/Public/Info/Services/Elder_Abuse_and_Neglect_Prevention.aspx?hkey=beed0d1e-25d8-4059-b438-81aab94546d3 — Kiwi Families



I am planning to go overseas to visit family but the father of my child just applied prevention removal from NZ which made me cannot take my child. Knowing this I decide I want to go visit my family by myself but the father of the child refuses to look after my child if I have to go.

What is the obligation of other parents if I have to go

Note : the father just had new contact with my child after 8 years I raised my child by myself

Jarrod Rendle

Yea, that’s a tricky situation Lina. The father does have a right to ensure their child stays in the country. But to then not offer to look after your child while you leave the country is a bit tough. It sounds as if the father believes you to be a flight risk. So perhaps the first course of action here is to build a stronger foundation with your child’s father. The best outcome for your child is where you and the father at least have open communication and some understanding. That can be really hard to build, but it could… Read more »


You can apply to the court for an order to leave. Provided you have a return ticket and are established here they would sign you off to go. Father could object but he’d have to have good reason and being petty just because he can stop you isn’t one of them.


Ok so my dad has full custody of me and has a benefit which gives him money to raise me and my other siblings. Recently I’ve been staying with my mum for a little while but my dad is worried that the money WINZ pays him to support me (which he is using for bills for my other siblings which I don’t mind as I have a part time job) is going to be taken away if I stay with my mum who is a non custodial parent. Is this the case ? Or can I continue living with my… Read more »

Jarrod Rendle

Hi there. In my experience it pays to be totally upfront with Work and Income. If this change does trigger a change in payment, the last thing you want is to leave your Dad with a bill and back-payments to make. If your living situation is temporary, and if your Dad is covering all of your costs still, it may not automatically trigger a change in payment amounts. I’d suggest talking to a case office though, and finding out what the rules are, and how you can make it work for yourself and your siblings: https://www.workandincome.govt.nz/on-a-benefit/tell-us/child-enters-or-leaves-your-care.html — Jarrod.


Hi really needing some advice. Custody of my step daughter was given to her grandmother when she was 2 years old. She’s now 13 and has lived with me and her father for the last 3 years. Last night my partner and his mother had a argument and shes tried to take the child because she “has custody”. Does my partner as her father and me as her step mother have any rights to stop her from taking her? We’ve had her for 3 years and she was given to us by her grandmother as her forever family when she… Read more »

Jarrod Rendle

Hi there. This is definitely a tricky situation that you should get some expert advice on. I’d suggest applying to the Family Court for a mediation session as quickly as you can. Hopefully there will be an outcome where your step-daughter is well looked after and all parties are happy with the situation. A mediator will definitely help here. Best of luck — Kiwi Families


Hi I have a situation where my ex partner will not see my son without my son being on adhd medication. We took him off it 2 years now and hes better for it because it made him like a zombie. Can he not have him over if we say we don’t have that medication. Please help

Jarrod Rendle

A really tricky situation, and something you’ll need to get specialist medical advice on. Your son’s age and consent will be an important factor here, are they old enough to make their own decisions and have they chosen not to take their medication. Your partner’s visitation rights are also important. They obviously have some reason to want the medication taken (safety, peace of mind, etc). It’s really important for your son to keep them in their life still though, so do try to find a way through. I’d highly recommend the whole family (including any new partners, children etc) go… Read more »


so apparently there is nothing in writing to say what parent i have to stay with, i was wondering if its possible for me to live with my dad without getting custody? also about child support- my mum uses it to buy herself stuff eg clothes, shoes, etc. she never buys me anything and if i want something she will either tell me to buy it myself or to get my dad to buy it for me eg clothes, shoes, ect. what should i do??

Jarrod Rendle

A lot of this will come down to your age and your maturity around decision making. I know that sounds like a bit of ‘grown-up’ talk. But your wellbeing is always the Family Court’s most important decision. And your ability to make good, sound decisions would need to be assessed. Also, both parents obviously need to be on board with a new guardianship arrangement. ‘Custody’ isn’t required here. Your family can just sit down together, and discuss and agree to a new living arrangement. You organising that in an open and positive way would be a sign of that ‘maturity’… Read more »

T sa

My partner has been named the father of a child. And the mother has run away with the child no access given no address etc but is required to pay child-support. How can he be able to make a relationship with this child with no address or contact details

Jarrod Rendle

Another tricky scenario for sure! As the legal parent of the child, your partner now has rights when it comes to the upbringing and wellbeing of the child, including visitation rights. Your partner should consider applying to the courts for a mediation session with a view to a written parenting order. One of the things that can be stipulated in the order is the child’s fixed address, as well as the timing and schedule for visitation or a co-living arrangement. — Kiwi Families


Hey there, my brother and his wife are having issues to the point where she threatened him that if he was to get vaccinated he wouldn’t be able to see his kids. He is currently on the benefit and is living under my other siblings roof due to her kicking him out of the house. Would he be able to apply for 50/50 custody with the chance of being successful? She is also planning to move with the kids down the line as well as only letting him see the kids when she wants. She is involving the kids in… Read more »

Jarrod Rendle

Hi there. Your brother should absolutely seek a mediation session through the Family Courts. A 50/50 custody, where it’s one week on and one week off is a possible scenario. But the right level of custody or visitation will depend on what’s in the best interest of the child. But you brother certainly has rights here, and should seek a written order to have those rights established for all three parties. — Kiwi Families


Hey, I have had full custody of my two kids (12 and 14) and have never lived with their dad. When they were younger he didn’t have much to do with them and moved cities. He has decided he wants to be a dad now and is moving back to be in their lives and is renting a house aiming to take custody. What rights do I have since we have no formal custody agreement?

chrissie mcrobbie

my childrens father has not made contact or even tried to see our children in over a year, he has me blocked on all social medias and also my number. what is considered abandonment or forfeiting of parental rights, he is also a drug and alcohol addict, and there was domestic violence in the relationship

Last edited 2 years ago by chrissie mcrobbie
Coral aitken

I have full custody of my daughter and want to take her away on a holiday for a few days and return home within the country. Do I have to notify and get permission from the non custodial parent who doesn’t see her and cancelled his own visitation to see her. He believes I need his permission to take her out of the city when I go away for a few days. I don’t believe it’s the case as I always have intention of returning. She only goes away to see her family.

Jarrod Rendle

Hi Carol. It’s certainly not about anyone needing to ‘gain permission’, and it’s not about where or for how long the holiday is either. It’s about what is best for the child. And, on the face of it, taking your child to meet their extended family on the holidays would be in their interests. But, if it’s at the expense of spending time with the other parent, it may not be. What you need to do is get this holiday time agreed to, and put into writing, into your Parenting Order. That way everyone is on the same page, your… Read more »

Shane farrelly

If I pay child support do I need to help pay for braces for my daughter especially when I can’t afford to pay for them

Michelle B Mattock


My children doesn’t want to go with their father which they do every weekend. They always say that they scared of him and everytime they do something wrong he belittle them. They won’t allow them to contact me while in his house. They want to stay with me full time, what should i do. They are ages 15, 13 and 11.


Hi if the father of my children move to a different city is it my responsibility to get the children to him for his time with them?


Does my child’s father’s aunty have any rights to my children ?


Hi there, my partner and I want to move to another city for his job. We have a parenting order in place for his son and my partner is the non custodial parent. We would like to take his son with us if his mother will let us otherwise we would like to have him every school holidays and term breaks etc.my partner and his ex are not on talking terms and all communication (very little) goes through me. How can we go about this situation? Thanks for your help in advance!


can a godparent apply for custody need some advice


I returned to NZ 3 years ago with my US born child after being granted a 12 month restraining order (with the blessing of the Family Court Judge). We have had no contact with the mother & she has made no effort to regain custody of our child. I wish to obtain legal sole custody of my daughter & change her surname to remove the mothers surname. Can you suggest how I might go about this. It is clear that she has relinquished her parental rights but I want to make it legal.


Hi Sandi, I hv moved overseas since 3 years and my ex had full custody of my 2 boys since 4 years. My relationship with my ex has not been good for years which was one of the reasons for relocating. I pay through IRD Child support, but my ex goes to IRD CS every 18 months or so and claims for back payment through an assessment. I hv never been able to convince IRD that my consent has never been taken for the extra expense she incurs for the boys and I am forced to pay as a lump… Read more »


Hi can the father has a verbal agreement for weekend custdy can he stop the mother an child going away from town for a couple days.


If the father of my child moves away for work and doesn’t see his child for months at a time, what rights do I have over my child? I want full custody but I dunno if I can get that


Hi, the father of my child moves away from work and doesn’t bother coming down to see her for months, I wanna get full custody of her cause of this since she hardly even knows him, can I do that?


Hi Tiffany, you can certainly apply for a Parenting Order to take over full time day-to-day care of your child, if that’s what you’re asking. If you’re asking can you remove the Father as a legal guardian of your child, the answer is no (if the care of the child is at risk, there are orders you can apply for to minimise that risk). It is seldom in the best interests of the child to have either guardian removed from their lives completely. And the Court will always make the child’s rights and interests the main priority in it’s decisions.… Read more »

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Colson Shaun

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This is a very joyful day of my life because of the help Prophet Abulele has rendered to me by helping me get my husband back with his magic and love spell. I was married for 7 years and it was so terrible because my husband was really cheating on me and was seeking for a divorce but when i came across Prophet Abulele email [prophetabulelehealingtemple@gmail.com] on the internet on how he has helped so many people to get their marriage and help fixing relationship and make people to be happy in their relationship. I explained my situation to him… Read more »


Genuine Effective Love Spell To Get Your Ex Back My advise reveal you all to contact Dr happy the best on love spell at happylovespell2@gmail.com, here is my relationship story. My name is John Cooney from NJ Usa, i want to appreciate Dr happy for bring back my wife i taught i lost her, not until Dr happy did an urgent effective love spell for me that make her come back so fast. what a powerful spell caster plz email him on happylovespell2@gmail.com you can also view on his Web site…happylovespell2.webnode.com/ whatsapp/call…+2348133873774 also His blogs site.http://happylovespel.blogspot.com.ng/


Effective love spell to get lost lover back/stop divorce/save broken marriage happylovespell2@gmail.com is the best on urgent love spell casting with 100% result guarantee whatsapp/call…+2348133873774 also His blogs site… http://happylovespel.blogspot.com.ng/ his website…happylovespell2.webnode.com/

Grilmal Ribot Lluis

I am very happy today with my family. My name is rose sarah living in USA, My husband left me for a good 3 years now, and i love him so much, i have been looking for a way to get him back since then. i have tried many options but he did not come back, until i met a friend that darted me to Dr.Jude a spell caster, who helped me to bring back my husband after 2 weeks. Me and my husband are living happily together today, That man is great, you can contact him via email liberationlovespell@gmail.com…… Read more »


Hi, recently me and my partner have decided that we want to move an hour and a half away from where we currently live due to financial strains. I am wondering if I need to inform the biological father of my two girls?
I have the final parenting order with day to day care and also have a protection order against him, he is only allowed supervised access to the girls but has shown no interest in seeing them, it has been just over two years since they last saw him.

Julie Collins

My boyfriend left me for know reason,I contacted: Unityspelltemple@gmail.com to help me fix my broken relationship & get my boyfriend back fast and I’m so excited my broken relationship has been restored.

NZ Mum

My hubby is having trouble getting access to his son due to disagreement around pick up time and travel.

Is it expected that pick up drop offs either be in the middle or they share responsibility of full distance?


Hi Nesha, if the distance is an issue (which it sounds like it could be), it’s the sort of thing that would be fairer to share. You need to get this agreed to, however, and in writing to make it effective. If time and travel distance is really impacting your husband’s access, it does need to be sorted. If the parties can’t agree to a fair outcome, it may need to go to mediation to be formalised in a Parenting Order. — Jarrod


In the event of separation, should the father be forced to take the child on EVERY day without work or is he also entitled to rest days/time off for himself?


What are the mother’s rights to leave the country if the father is incarcerated?

joe james

Beware of online spell or to fix your broken marriage or relationship problem or after a divorce or Breakup,I was recently scam by two of them, until one faithful day i meet a man called Dr Oseiboh who help me to get back to the mother of my 2 kids after we have been separated for 3 years,I only pay for the items required for the spell and he cast the spell for me within 48hours my ex wife called me and beg me to forgive her for everything and we are back together.if you need a real and quick… Read more »

Kiri West

Hi I am a mother of one. My son is four years old. He currently lives with his father who has full-custody (day-to-day care) I am wanting more time with my son. What are my rights?


Hi Kiri, your rights are really clear in this situation. You have the right to work out a Parenting Plan that provides the best possible care arrangement for your child. If the parties can’t agree to a suitable plan, then you have the right to apply to the Courts to go through mediation and have a Parenting Order put in place. Just remember, it’s always what’s best for the child that should determine the care arrangements. You can go ahead and negotiate a Parenting Plan with your child’s father right now. Just make sure everyone agrees to the plan, and… Read more »


can anyone help with some advice? my ex has a parenting order with her having day to day care and I have them for 3 consecutive weekends out of four. and half the school holidays.with any additional or alternative contact to be written down and signed. now I have a letter saying she has signed them into my full time care since 24 Dec 2017. after 7 months of children in my care the ex decides she wants the children back into her care.


Hi Royden, it sounds as if the original Parenting Order is well out of date for your current circumstances. In the first instance, you should both try and get together to resolve the issues, and document your agreement on the new care arrangement. If either of you can’t come to agreement, you may need to go back into mediation, and have a new Parenting Order drawn up. — Jarrod

Adam Laura

I have to say wholeheartedly I believe Oniha is a gifted individual and gentility his second nature. I have received the most rewarding and spiritual experience whilst conversing with him on the telephone. I heard and saw an angel in my minds-eye it was so overwhelming. I knew at the moment finally my difficulties were over. He deserve recognition for his power and talents as a beautiful individuals who brings spirit close to those in need. I have been touched deeply,nothing has come as close to me before. I am in total awe and have a great deal of respect.… Read more »




Real And Urgent Spell Caster Reviews To Solve Your Relationship Problem Dr Lucky.. I am from Canada, I have great joy in me as i am writing this testimony about the great man called Dr. Lucky When my lover left me i never taught that i will be able to get her back after all she put me through, But i am so happy that after the interference of Dr. Lucky i was able to get my lover back within 48hours. Are you going through a break-up or divorce? Do you need your Ex back fast? Don’t cry anymore, contact… Read more »


Hi I want to know what I can do?, i have a 16 month old who is currently living with my ex, I have him 3 hours every day plus weekends when I can, the issue is my ex has a daughter who just turned 19 and has been wanting to take my son out of town to a different city, from day 1 I have said no and so has my ex. Yesterday without my knowledge she took him out of the city, my ex has disregarded my decision and allowed this to happen I’m fuming over this I… Read more »


Hi Tony, you’d need to document your concerns with the situation, and then have those concerns formally included in a Parenting Order to enforce this. If the older daughter is travelling with your child at the request of, or with the approval of, the child’s mother then you would need strong justification for this. You should seek independent legal advice immediately if you have concerns here. — Jarrod

Rovi Varma

Hi I have full custody of my son. His mother moved to Australia 4 years ago leaving him with me. She has a history of issues. She has hardly kept in touch with him. Now all of a sudden she wants me to send him to Australia 4 times a year. My 10 year old refuses to go. She is now threatening on applying from Australia into NZ family court to alter her visiting arrangements for my son to be sent there 4 times a year. Can a court grant an order sending him for visits to Australia when I… Read more »

Rovi Varma

Hi I have full custody of my son. His mother moved to Australia 4 years ago leaving him with me. She has a history of issues. She has hardly kept in touch with him. Now all of a sudden she wants me to send him to Australia 4 times a year. My 10 year old refuses to go. She is now threatening on applying from Australia into NZ family court to alter her visiting arrangements for my son to be sent there 4 times a year. Can a court grant an order sending him for visits to Australia when I… Read more »

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