
Where’s my jumper? by Nicola Slater is a picture book about a character called Rudy who has lost his jumper. The story takes the reader on a journey with Rudy in search of his jumper.

We are taken room by room with Rudy discovering a number of different and quirky characters along the way.

What I’m loving

I just loved the book Where’s my jumper? by Nicola Slater from the minute I laid my eyes on it. The bright yellow of the cover and super-cute characters on the front won me over before I even turned the page.

And I wasn’t disappointed when I did.

Each page is so thoughtfully illustrated, with the eyes and hands of our little ones in mind. On each page there are delightful characters, fun flaps to lift up and die-cut pages. The characters work along with a fun counting element to the story. It’s really quite clever, and so well done.


Overall this is a wonderful book for pre-schoolers and early readers. The story line is fun and quirky, the illustrations are just amazing. I assure you this is a book to keep your child’s attention!

Where’s My Jumper? – Written by Nicola Slater – Published by Simon and Schuster Australia – RRP $33.95


This information was compiled by the Kiwi Families team.

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