
Keep your home healthy and hygienic through the winter months and into spring with an e-cloth Home Cleaning Pack! e-cloth is a revolutionary cost-saving range of cleaning cloths made from clever micro-fibres and which clean using only water, keeping your home clean for your whole family and reducing potential allergens while reducing the impact of chemical cleaners on the environment.

The e-cloth Home Cleaning Pack contains everything you need to keep your home sparkling and mould-free, including an e-cloth General Purpose Cloth, e-cloth Glass and Polishing Cloth, e-cloth e-towel, e-cloth Non-Scratch scouring cloth and an e-cloth Bathroom Pack.

To be in to win this fabulous pack, simply fill in the form below.

This competition closes 8pm on 30 September 2013.



Sally is the Community Manager here at Kiwi Families. She fills her time with her handsome, busy boys and her handsome, busy husband; trying out new recipes and researching and writing about family life in Aotearoa.