
Wolf and Dog are cousins.
Wolf is wild and Dog is tame.
Wolf lives in a forest on top of a hill.
Dog doesn’t. Dog has a basket. And a boss.

This is the story of Wolf and Dog and their adventures.

I’m liking

With short, simple sentences and a limited vocabulary, this book is, in some ways, great for early readers. The images capture the story well.

Things that made me go hmmmm

However, some of the word play is quite complex and the jokes are better suited for adults than young readers. Maybe it’s something to do with the translation or perhaps it was just us but the words didn’t always quite work for us.

Dog and Wolf are mean to each other. They play tricks on each other and sometimes they’re quite cruel. We found this awkward reading in our house.

The conclusion

A quirky little book that didn’t quite hit the mark in our family.


Rochelle is mum to three gorgeous daughters. She wishes she had more time to garden and read the newspaper in peace!

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