
Itti bitti tutto – a one size/birth to potty nappy.

For more information about itti bitti nappies, see our introduction. We’ve also got some great advice for getting started with cloth nappies.

I’m liking

Cute soft minky
I like the cover on the extra side dome.
Quicker drying with the snap in inserts.
Once they are set up, they are quick to pop on baby, even if he wriggles all over the place!

Things that made me go hmmmm

I didn’t find these nappies lasted as long as I would like.
With the insert in, I found there was quite a gap at the front where it didn’t sit snugly against bub’s tummy. This resulted in some leaks when part of his clothing slipped inside the nappy. I had to do quite a lot of fiddling to get the sizing right, in the end I had my small 8 month old with the rise as big as it could go so I could tighten around the stomach enough not to leave much of a gap without the legs being too tight. I’m not sure how it would have worked if he was bigger.
Quite bulky with all the inserts in and I found it frustrating to dome in all the inserts, and I couldn’t hang them on the line without taking it apart. The back seemed to have quite a bit of extra fabric, but I guess that would help the fit with a larger baby.
When I used the extra side dome, which meant the cover flipped back, the dome on the cover pressed into baby’s skin leaving quite a deep mark.

The conclusion

So many people rave about itti bittis, but I didn’t like them as much as others do. They are cute on, and I’d use them when my baby is going around with just a nappy for shortish periods of time.
The itti accessories are fab. I have several wetbags and wipes, and they are just great!


Frank McColl is a primary teacher and writes teacher resource materials for primary and secondary schools. She has one quirky toddler who keeps her on her toes.

1 Comment

  1. The extra side dome has a little pocket it can tuck into so it doesn’t press on bub’s skin.

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