
A ‘retro-style’ hardback with a fabric cover and ribbon bookmark, The Way We Used to Cook provides a range of classic recipes across six chapters (Scrumptious Soups and Salads; Winning Dinners; The Classic Roasts with Sides; Fresh From the Oven; Preserves and Condiments; Tea Party Treats) and 240 pages. Each recipe is accompanied by a full-page photograph.

I’m liking

It makes a pleasant read with the unusual fabric cover and beautiful photos. The index is really clear – all cookbooks should have a decent index. I particularly liked the baking chapter; there are several recipes I haven’t come across before (apple scones; Holiday spice bread; Powder puffs…).

Things that made me go hmmmm

This book seems to be an attempt to jump on the ‘nana-chic’ bandwagon that is so popular at the moment, but without the ability to offer anything really new. I was dissatisfied with the selection of recipes in the book; there weren’t really any that leapt out at me, especially among the main meals. It may be more suitable for an inexperienced cook though. The other big thing missing for me was any commentary or information about the recipes or purpose of the book – there is no general introduction (although each chapter has a short intro), and nothing accompanying each recipe. I would have liked to get a picture of what the author thinks of each recipe, or which occasions it is particularly good for, or what to accompany it with, or……

The conclusion

The book looks pretty, and is good solid middle of the road stuff. I wouldn’t bother for an experienced cook, because you’ll have most of these recipes already, but for someone who wants a collection of basic recipes with thorough instructions and nice photos, it would be more suitable.


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