
Mission to Motherhood is an inspiring story from Canadian born Kiwi, Amira Mikhail. Amira shares every detail of her struggle through fibroids, endometriosis, infertility, IVF and finally surrogacy.

Amira’s journey to bring a child into this world is filled with obstacles, medical misadventures, serendipitous encounters and a focussed determination that only a Mother can know.

Her story is inspirational, and also aspirational.

The meticulous details in the book, and ultimately successful outcome of Amira’s story, will inspire all women facing fertility issues. Her story reminds us to ask the hard questions of medical professionals. It suggests that persistence, and indeed sometimes endurance, is required. And, although not all women will experience successful fertility treatment, Amira then shows us there are other ways in which Motherhood can be made a reality.

This book is also aspirational. Amira Mikhail is a hard-working and career-focussed women. She imagines she will always have children, but she puts her veterinary career first. She focuses on achieving her goals, ultimately working in a field she’s passionate about. But unfortunately her career success comes at the expense of her fertility. Looking back, Amira never regrets this decision though, and just considers it part of her ultimate journey.

The middle chapters in the book cover Amira’s miscarriage, and are detailed and beautifully written. For those of us who’ve suffered miscarriage, this part of the story is difficult to read. But as with much of the story, there’s always light at the end of the tunnel. And there’s always Amira’s determination to continue putting one foot in front of the next on her mission.

Mission to Motherhood is a quick and easy read, with lots of attention to detail. It’s written matter-of-factly, in a no-nonsense sort of way. At times this can make Amira’s story feel a little emotionless, although we’re given lots of practical tips on fertility in return. And the parts of the book where Amira really opens up to her emotional self are powerful and thought-provoking. This book is a must-read for all women with fertility issues wanting to experience Motherhood, as well as for all the supportive people around them.

Mission to Motherhood – Written by Amira Mikhail – Published by Calico Publishing – RRP$40


Jarrod is a quintessential Kiwi Dad. He lives in the sunny Horowhenua, and works from a home office, overlooking his chickens and the sea. His inspiration and motivation in life come from his wife and two kids.

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