

Women returning to work

Tough economic times have led to increasing numbers of women returning to work after having children, often sooner than they would like, simply to make ends meet. Staying…

I didn’t have a baby shower with either of my pregnancies.  It just wasn’t really something that was done back then.  But boy things have really changed in…

Nutrition guidelines for preconception and heathy pregnancy

For many women, preconception nutrition is not considered unless they have a related health issue or are consciously planning for a healthy pregnancy. Once pregnant, focus is altered to planning for arrival of baby, so post-conception nutrition can be an afterthought, yet remains vitally important throughout pregnancy.

Once I started looking pregnant, strangers started treating me differently.  My own policy is never to assume someone with a little roundness in the abdominal region is pregnant…


Most people make a decision, or not as the case may be, to become pregnant and begin the process of attempting conception. At this stage people often get…